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Thread: venus titanium

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  1. #6
    Senior Member Lt.Arclight's Avatar
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    If its titanium nitride, all it is , is a ceramic coating. Short of being familiar with industrial tooling,most people see it on drill bits. Its REALLY hard-something like 85 Rockwell. Which would be a true B&^%H to hone.

    Then since it would be practically impossible to make the coating PERFECTLY uniform, you would wear through some and still have coating on what's left of the edge-then the hone would wear the edge unevenly.

    It really does'nt work on drill bits-other than for non-professional use.The coating wears off,almost immediately . Most very high end drills are made from a steel alloy containing COBALT. It seems they are trying to reinvent the wheel. Most custom razor makers have a very good working knowledge of metallurgy and manipulate the materials molecular structure to make a more durable edge.

    There are already very fine steels, some found on even on vintage ebay specials. IMO, its just another marketing ploy to sell a product that really isn't needed.

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    crazycliff200843 (09-21-2008), huttman333 (03-02-2010)

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