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  1. #1
    zib is offline
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    Default What's up with the Ducks?

    I have a lot of razors, but I don't have a Dubl Duck yet. Can someone who owns one please respond and tell me what the heck the fascination is with these razors. After all, it's not a Livi, or a Zowada.
    There not made of legendary Damascus steel. Granted, they're vintage, old and have cool little ducks on them, but they're basically a German made straight razor, right. They're rare, but so are other razors and they don't go price crazy on Ebay. If you attempt to bid on one on Ebay, They quickly rise up above 200 hundred dollars, and bear in mind, they're not restored, they're rusty, sometimes the scales are broke, the blade may have nicks or chips, etc...So, what's the value of these razors. What would they be worth. Of course you can say an item is worth whatever someone will spend on it. In reality, a restored duck in an antique shop, would be worth what?
    Last edited by zib; 12-25-2008 at 09:20 PM. Reason: typo

  2. #2
    Senior Member Earthdawn's Avatar
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    I know what you mean.

    I think it really has to do with general desire to have one. They are beautiful in stock form, they take a wicked sharp edge and have a great reputaion and following.

    I have seen a couple of much cheaper W&B that I think in stock form are just as appealing if not nicer looking in stock form.

    Im restoring a Dwarf now and have a Satin Wedge from Don that is WICKED sharp ! As well its a beauty. I only got the wedge as I jumped on it the moment it he listed it in the classifieds.

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  4. #3
    BHAD cured Sticky's Avatar
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    Mostly it's just the desire to say you have one, IMO.

    I have a Duck that shaves well and takes a nice edge. I also have 2 Gencos, a C-Mon, and a no-brand "made in U.S.A." heavy wedge that I like better.

    As a shaver, purchased from a barber, I paid $25 for mine. It had some slight hone wear and a small crack in one scale. If it's price was $50 it would still be with the barber.

    The Eboy prices on DD's lately are just crazy. They're good razors, but I'm more of a user than a collector.

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  6. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    IMO, any razor that gets talked about on shaving forums can potentially get to be a hot item the ducks being an example. OTOH they first got talked about because they deliver the goods. They hone up easily to a wicked edge and are great shavers.

    When I collected razors in the 1980s I would go to barber shops and ask the old guys if they had any extra razors that they would sell I became friendly with some of those old fellows and without exception all of them held Dubl Ducks in high regard.

    For those with a collecting bent there are various models to chase after along with variations within the different models. I have been lucky in getting a Wonderedge, a Goldedge and a Reaper all in great shape and all @ $100.00 each. There are deals out there, just not too many.
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  8. #5
    Senior Member Kenrup's Avatar
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    I agree with everything said already.They are great razors. I have a special #1 6/8, it is so sharp...... my whiskers run when I grab it. I snagged a dwarf off the bay for $12.00. It is a restoration project but it will be a honey.

  9. #6
    zib is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kenrup View Post
    I agree with everything said already.They are great razors. I have a special #1 6/8, it is so sharp...... my whiskers run when I grab it. I snagged a dwarf off the bay for $12.00. It is a restoration project but it will be a honey.
    That's what I'm talking about, 12 bucks, not 200.00. Ebay has gotten completely out of hand with these ducks. I could see 200 if it it's mint condition, but rusted, chipped, etc...IMHO is not worth 200 dollars.

  10. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I have probably about 25 Ducks of different types and they all have in common the fact that they give a truly great shave, are easy to maintain and hone and hone up very easily and go a long time between touchups. They all consistently exhibit all these characteristics which makes them a great brand in my book.

    As far as vintage goes, I'll take a vintage razor to modern production razor save some customs any day of the week.
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  11. #8
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    What amazes me is that most people will not bat an eyelash to spend $150 for a new mid line production razor... Where if they were smart shoppers they could snag most of the DD line at less than half that...
    No you are not going to score a mint Wonderedge or a mint Reaper for that money...
    But hey if you ask some people on here, there is no difference anyway between a Special #1 and a Reaper but the scales...
    I'll let that go for now....
    As everyone already stated, if they wern't good shavers all the hype would have died out long ago...

  12. #9
    zib is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    What amazes me is that most people will not bat an eyelash to spend $150 for a new mid line production razor... Where if they were smart shoppers they could snag most of the DD line at less than half that...
    No you are not going to score a mint Wonderedge or a mint Reaper for that money...
    But hey if you ask some people on here, there is no difference anyway between a Special #1 and a Reaper but the scales...
    I'll let that go for now....
    As everyone already stated, if they wern't good shavers all the hype would have died out long ago...
    That's just it, Where do you snag them. I wouldn't mind picking one up myself, since they're that good, but I'm not paying 200+ dollars for a razor with rust, nicks, chips, messed up scales etc...
    I'd pay 75 bucks for one, for sure, but the prices on Ebay are just crazy. You have one you want to sell, I'm interested, Any ideas where i could snag one?

  13. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Just keep 'duck' in your favorite searches on ebay and watch what comes up. Like thebigspendur said they are all good. The Wonderedges, Reapers and the Goldedges usually fetch the top dollar. Not so with the other models .....most of the time. Just look for one in good shape in a Special #1 or whatever.
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