I was going through my razors picking the lineup to put in my seven-day box for the first week of the year. I figured I now had a nice assortment of the razors that I liked, and nothing that I really wanted to sell or trade away.

In a New Year's resolution kind of way, I though about what razors I would like to focus my search on this year.

Well, not that I would turn my back if I ran across a nice antique shop find, but here's the short list I came up with:

- A nice hefty 6/8 or 7/8 Greaves
- A Helje frameback
- A reaper as my longshot
- Much as I'd like a TZ, I don't think I could shave well with an $800 razor. I seem to get my best shaves when I don't have to worry about damaging my razor more than my face.

What's on your short list this year?