Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
The C-Mon is a full hollow. A really sharp full hollow can give an excellent shave, but requires a skilled hand to get the best results. The blade edge is so thin it distorts, which can be good for following the contours of your skin, but can be bad as it also can deflect when meeting up with unruly whiskers. That's what I have found anyhow.

I used to have a strong dislike for full hollows, now I really like them alot. Heavy grinds are more forgiving of technique and sharpness, I still love them too!

A well liked new razor that has a fairly thick 1/2 hollow grind (a nice place to start...) is the Thiers Issard "Special Couffier", also named the "Super Gnome" at some vendors. There's a nice review of the Special Couffier over at Badger & Blade.

I've been pondering picking up one of these for some time now. So many razors, so little cash....
What I've noticed with the couple times I've shaved with this blade, is that by the end of the second side, I feel a significant difference from the start to finish of the shave. (now I have a strop on the way, so I haven't covered all my bases)