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  1. #1
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    Angry Prices for German razors have gone through the roof


    As you may or may not know, I recently traded some razors with Paul, aka Sharp&Shiny. Part of the trade was a Dovo Bergischer Löwe (referred to by the barbarians as Begrisher Lowe, or worse).

    Now then, I had a discussion with another member on #srp this morning. He is considering buying a Bergischer Löwe. A couple of observations I'd like to share with you:

    1. New razors are not immune from scale warping. The scales on my BL warped literally over night.
    2. While the BL is a great shaver (as are all new, i.e. younger than 3 years, Dovos I had the pleasure of trying), it does not knock me off my feet like this Herder (EUR 30 at an auction site) or this Sellers wedge (also from Paul). It's excellent, but not out of this world.
    3. Which brings me to the subject matter: prices. I knew the BL was pricey. But I checked current prices for the guy on #srp. And lo! prices in Germany have completely gone through the roof. Case in point: US price: $243.99. Equally reputable German dealer with good prices: 222.00 Euro aka $312.93.

    Bottom line: If you really want any of these new razors, get them outside Germany while they are still relatively affordable. I am glad I have mine (not least because Paul honed it very well), but I would never buy one new, not at that price. Remember: Excellent vintage razors in excellent or mint condition can be had for 1/3 that price, and chances are they will shave even better.

    Mind you, this post is not meant as a reason to discuss any specific vendor's prices.
    Last edited by BeBerlin; 06-27-2009 at 04:33 PM. Reason: Generalisation.

  2. #2
    Large Member ben.mid's Avatar
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    It's also worth considering the import duties if you're based outside the States & buying from a US based dealer. This no doubt applies the other way round too, so that $312.93 would actually be even more by the time you get your first shave out of it!
    You guys are fairly spoilt with reasonable prices compared to us European based members!

  3. #3
    zib is offline
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    So, you foresee the prices going up in the US as well? Because Dovo is one of the most affordable razors on the market today, I think that's one of the reasons for it's popularity. They are excellent shavers, and lookers, but rising prices isn't going to help sell them, that for sure....I did not buy the BL, I bought a Dovo Bismarck, which is a nice looking razor, and a bit less pricey...I have never heard about scale warping in Dovo until now....
    Last edited by zib; 06-27-2009 at 11:36 AM.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by zib View Post
    So, you foresee the prices going up in the US as well?
    I would think so. I think what you're seeing is the last cheap ones being sold. But that is speculation only.

    Quote Originally Posted by zib View Post
    Because Dovo is one of the most affordable razors on the market today, I think that's one of the reasons for it's popularity. They are excellent shavers, and lookers, but rising prices isn't going to help sell them, that for sure....I did not buy the BL, I bought a Dovo Bismarck, which is a nice looking razor, and a bit less pricey...I have never heard about scale warping in Dovo until now....
    Well, prices for Wacker razors have developed in the same direction, only they were never low to begin with.

  5. #5
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    Yes there is much less material on the market here.
    The development (since I'm into razors) is going straight upwards.

    Its a real good advice to buy now. It can only get worse.

  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    It just seems everytime I get involved in something the prices just seem to skyrocket.

    I'm glad I bought my razors a few years ago. At the rate we're going a new Livi wil be cheaper than a new TI.
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  7. #7
    collects cannonballs JeremyLee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zib View Post
    So, you foresee the prices going up in the US as well? Because Dovo is one of the most affordable razors on the market today, I think that's one of the reasons for it's popularity. They are excellent shavers, and lookers, but rising prices isn't going to help sell them, that for sure....I did not buy the BL, I bought a Dovo Bismarck, which is a nice looking razor, and a bit less pricey...I have never heard about scale warping in Dovo until now....
    I have a Dovo Special Imitation tortoise that is 3 months old, or I got it from SRD 3 months ago, with a warped scale. It has just recently warped. Don at SRD said this was the first he has heard of the new Dovos warping, but I assure you it is warped.

  8. #8
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    I think you should try living in the UK; we are so used to being ripped off for absolutely everything we have given up worrying about it

    Best regards


  9. #9
    I Dull Sheffields
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    Well, thanks to everybody here, I have just ordered a new Dovo from SRD.



    just kidding -- can't wait to shave with it!

  10. #10
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    Default Warped Dovo Tortoise

    I have the same Dovo Special straight and I am sorry to hear about yours being warped. If you find out the reason behind it, let everyone know as I know many SRP members have this straight razor. Perhaps Dovo would want to hear about it and doing something about it since you are a SRP member.

    I just use mine today to shave off a three day growth and it certainly qualifies for Shave of the Day.


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