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Thread: Modified Gold Dollar

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  1. #1
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    Default Modified Gold Dollar

    Check this out:

    GOLD DOLLAR Professional Shaving Straight Razors - eBay (item 170226116254 end time Jun-07-08 19:46:50 PDT)

    Anyone know anything about "Gold Dollar" razors? Good/bad?


  2. #2
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Looks like cheap s@*t to me, never heard of it before, most likely chinese or pakistani.
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  3. #3
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    That's kind of what I was thinking; I was almost lured by the low price and shiny new blade! I'm looking for cheap blades to practice honing on, but I'd rather get something I know is worth the effort. There's something messed up about Mickey Mouse standing next to it, too. I guess the double arrows that are about the same price are a much better deal.

  4. #4
    I'm a Shaaarrrk! Chady's Avatar
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    Yeah, considering that the person have chosen to use a trademarked figure in his picture it probably means that the manufacturing process/design ideas is at best lacking compared to Dovo or Issard.
    I base this on the assumption that Disney would not bother going into the straight razor market.

  5. #5
    Senior Member mastermute's Avatar
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    And as if that wasn't enough, the seller is in Canada, you will have to wait a few months for you stuff to arrive The Canadian Post is the slowest I have ever encountered...
    Last edited by mastermute; 06-08-2008 at 07:07 PM.
    RezDog and Chevhead like this.

  6. #6
    Lady Wet Shaver Kcbeemo's Avatar
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    Gold dollars have a bad rep but they are ok and can hold an edge and do shave well. If you want one just to practice with I say go for it!
    Brettnj likes this.

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  8. #7
    pogonotomist BurnBeGone's Avatar
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    Actually, there is a possibility these are the same as the Chinese Double Arrow -- the markings inside the Double Arrow scales turn out to translate to something like "Gold Dollar." (See this thread.) Couldn't say for sure, though, and anyway the Double Arrows are cheaper. I would be interested to know if these have the same markings inside the scales.

  9. #8
    Senior Member Brettnj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BurnBeGone View Post
    Actually, there is a possibility these are the same as the Chinese Double Arrow -- the markings inside the Double Arrow scales turn out to translate to something like "Gold Dollar." (See this thread.) Couldn't say for sure, though, and anyway the Double Arrows are cheaper. I would be interested to know if these have the same markings inside the scales.
    I know this thread is old but in case anyone decides to look up these razors I thought I would give my two cents. I bought one of these to practice different honing styles and found out that these edges hone up nicely. It shaves just as good as any of my Dovo's. if anything they are a good razor to practice honing skills on and even shave with to.
    Kcbeemo likes this.

  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Brettnj For This Useful Post:

    hitemfrank (03-17-2013), Kcbeemo (03-16-2013)

  11. #9
    Member jcw122's Avatar
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    Default The real name of Double Arrows!

    The company that makes the Double Arrow is called "Gold Dollar". I found the name inside the scales actually, in Chinese. The characters look like this: 金元.

    The words literally mean Gold Dollar, and here is their website! electric hair clippers,scissors,hair clippers,hair scissors-Best hair clippers and scissors manufacturer in China

    Other link?: Looks like a nicer page, more like a company page.

    OK so maybe the model name isn't Gold Dollar, but knowing the company name is awesome! Their site has a lot of really nice looking razors on it as well.

    Pretty cool stuff. I'm in Chinese 2 right now in college, and I'm so excited I figured this out! Looks like they also make some other nice looking razors!

    Last edited by jcw122; 02-15-2009 at 03:24 AM.
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  12. #10
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Thanks for the post!

    I went to the website, sent them an email asking for prices & quantity info.

    The model 66 is $1.88 and the model 300 is $5+( has jimps and a complete shoulder)

    The minimum quantity is 1000 razors!

    Anybody for a group buy?
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

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