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    Default Feather Artist differences DX or RG.

    Can someone explain the difference between the Feather Artist Club RG and DX? I realize one is stainless steel and the other is brass, but why would that matter to me? The seller doesn't explain the advantages of the more expensive material and I thought someone here might be able to. I was considering acquiring one although I could use some advice as to which.

    FWIW, my current shaving supplies consist of the following:
    Genco "Expert" Full hollow 4/8, bone handle, square point
    Boker "Extra Hollow Ground" 5/8, black handle, smiling blade, barber's notch
    G. Wostenholm "Pipe Razor" Wedge, horn handle, square point
    All 3 have been professionally honed.

    Of these, my favorite shaver is the Genco. I shave with the other two, they're very attractive looking top quality razors, but I prefer the Genco hands down. It also happens to be the sharpest razor I own, the blade could be classified as a "singing" blade, as it makes a nice ringing sound when plucked. When viewed from the edge it's almost a straight line all the way to the spine. I am also consistently amazed at the shaves I get from a Dovo Shavette I own, but it is admittedly very cheaply made and sorta flimsy and a little scary because of it. I think the Feather AC would be a welcome replacement for it. I have been shaving with straights for 1 year.

    Todd Schinell
    Boston, MA

  2. #2
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    The stainless version is noticeably lighter, and this reduction in mass makes the razor much easier to use, much less likely to nick or scrape, less prone to producing those unexplained weepers. If you plan on using a feather regularly the stainless is worth the upgrade price.

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    Ah, this is exactly the type of info I was looking for, all good reasons :-). I'll hold out for the DX model, thanks.

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    Sorry to bring up an old thread... but this is the question that I had too... and thanks for answering it....

  5. #5
    MJC is offline
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    Default DX vs. SS et al

    Since I started using the Feather "System" I've now acquired another type of AD..."FRAD"
    And I don't have one of everything, but I do have:
    DX Folding
    SS Fixed and Folding
    CJB Fixed
    Captain Kai Excella Fixed.

    My CJB Folding is on the way.

    That leaves a big gap, the RG fixed and folding and the DX fixed to name a few.

    But from what I have tried the DX folding does stand out. Better balance (IMHO, YMMV) - the shank is a big improvement over the SS folding (no jumps, small, wavy profile that can be hard to control - as always, YMMV) and the fit/finish is excellent.
    The more conventional shank style of the DX Folding seems to improve the control/balance.

    The SS Fixed on the other hand has a great grip/profile/balance and I would recommend it as a first choice for a fixed version of the System.

    I'm told by those who have used both the RG and CJB fixed that they are similar, the fit and finish of the CJB can range from fair to "rustic".

    With just a little practice - 2 or 3 shaves if you are used to the system, a little longer if you are new to Str8 shaving and any of them provide great results.

    For travel and when you want/need to dispense with the Pre and post shave care of your beloved Straight(s) this is a great system as long as you mind the slight changes to conventional Str8 technique - ie dial down the pressure.

    Good shaving Mates !
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJC View Post
    Since I started using the Feather "System" I've now acquired another type of AD..."FRAD"
    And I don't have one of everything, but I do have:
    DX Folding
    SS Fixed and Folding
    CJB Fixed
    Captain Kai Excella Fixed.

    My CJB Folding is on the way.

    That leaves a big gap, the RG fixed and folding and the DX fixed to name a few.

    But from what I have tried the DX folding does stand out. Better balance (IMHO, YMMV) - the shank is a big improvement over the SS folding (no jumps, small, wavy profile that can be hard to control - as always, YMMV) and the fit/finish is excellent.
    The more conventional shank style of the DX Folding seems to improve the control/balance.

    The SS Fixed on the other hand has a great grip/profile/balance and I would recommend it as a first choice for a fixed version of the System.

    I'm told by those who have used both the RG and CJB fixed that they are similar, the fit and finish of the CJB can range from fair to "rustic".

    With just a little practice - 2 or 3 shaves if you are used to the system, a little longer if you are new to Str8 shaving and any of them provide great results.

    For travel and when you want/need to dispense with the Pre and post shave care of your beloved Straight(s) this is a great system as long as you mind the slight changes to conventional Str8 technique - ie dial down the pressure.

    Good shaving Mates !

    Thank you so much for your insight MJC! I'm a newbie to straight razor shaving and looking to learn a lot here...

  7. #7
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    MJC: what is your take on the folding CJB?

  8. #8
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    Default About that CJB Folding...

    Quote Originally Posted by Galhatz View Post
    MJC: what is your take on the folding CJB?
    Thanks for asking -

    Since I don't have an RG Folding to compare it to (and we know that is a thought that costs money) I will stack it up against the folding Feather system razors that I do have.

    Some Reference pics
    top to bottom or left to right

    Feather DX Folding, CJB Folding, Feather SS Folding

    Name:  Feather DX SS CJB 1.jpg
Views: 8238
Size:  105.5 KBName:  Feather DX SS CJB 2.jpg
Views: 4389
Size:  86.1 KB

    The cost comparison - using the SRD list price you get around $215 for the DX and $110 for the SS Folding - the CJB Folding was around $40 - (values for comparison only)

    And its not fair to put the CJB head to head with the DX - All you have to do is pick it up and you notice the difference in weight (the DX is more like a heaver grind straight) coupled with the larger shank and more pronounced jimps. The Fit/Finish on the DX is impressive.

    The SS and CJB weight and balance is very similar

    I found the CJB tang/shank easier to manage than the SS - which is thiner and has this wave thing that is a harder fit for me (YMMV)

    The SS Fit and finish is much better than the CJB, which has a bent metal once piece scale in keeping with the price point.

    All three provide excellent shaves - you do have be be conscious of the slight differences when you switch between them. (I did find the DX to be an easier transition)

    So you have three different price points - and the rest is up to you.

    Sometimes I think that Shaving with a straight razor is like driving. If you have done it long enough, and with a wide enough variety you get to were you can drive (or shave) with anything, you just might not like it as much.

    Yes, that 1952 Studebaker M35 6x6 and that 2007 Z06 both have manual transmissions...but there are some other "adjustments" that must be made.
    But you can do it if you mind is in the right place...and they each have attributes that make them unique...
    Need to get through 4' of water? Don't reach for the fob on that Z06...
    Need to get from Fort Stockton to Sanderson in less than 25 minutes? (you can do this legally one day a year - Big Bend Open Road Race) The M35 would not be the ride of choice..

    Here's to smooth shaving...
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    Thanks for the comparison. I think it is the only comparison on the web that compares the folding ss and cjb models.

    I tried straight razor shaving a while ago but I messed up the edge on one razor due to my lousy stropping technique and decided to shelf it until I get more time.
    I was considering getting the Feather SS for a while. There is a guy on B&B that every now and then offers CJBs and I jumped on the last batch, got a folding with a pack of dorco blades for $31.
    It arrived yesterday, but I have yet to shave with it... well... yet to shave at all a I am recovering from leg surgery and I have to be in bed elevated with nothing to do beyond going through shaving forums

    So it sits next to me here, looking at me. I was wondering if I were missing something by not going for the Feather SS but from your comparison, it seems that they are comparable and if I want something better I need to shoot for the DX, only time would tell if they foray will be successful.

    About the CJB finish. The scales are as basic as can be but they don't throw it off balance, the blade holder looks nice enough. My other razors are a basic Dovo and a TI with the heavy metal scales sold at AOS. Now those metal scales made it very difficult for me as a newbie to hold it properly.
    Last edited by Galhatz; 07-03-2013 at 02:38 PM.

  10. #10
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    I've used the same source at B&B for CJB/Dorco - he has become the "Whipped Dog" of the Feather type razor.

    And it cannot be said too many times - dial down the pressure and angle when you get started. If you use the same pressure/angle as a "regular" straight shave you will end up with at least some weepers and a touch of razor burn.

    For me the Dorco "settles down" after 2-3 shaves - and it may be that I just get used to it.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery so you can give us an update....
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