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Thread: Which Dovo?

  1. #1
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    Default Which Dovo?

    I've read through many other threads (I know how search works ) but here is another one

    I want to buy a Dovo from SRD during the Priceless Value promotion, and I'm having trouble making up my mind. Here is the situation...

    I had settled on the Bergischer Lowe, but then I started considering a Bismark based on comments that it was heavier or stiffer then the BL. It also comes in a spike point, which I think I prefer. I'm also interested in a stainless steel blade.

    So after buying my wife an iPhone this weekend (amazing little pieces of technology btw!), she asked what she could buy me. I said I'd like a razor, and she liked the idea. I discussed the option getting a couple inexpensive razors, and she said, "No, I want you to get something nice."

    The budget is $300, and I want a Dovo (I already bought a Boker). I showed her picures of all the razors at SRD and she really likes the MOP model. I like this razor because it's stainless, but it's a round point.

    I had already budgeted to buy a BL and a few other supplies for most of $300 myself, so I've decided to get 2 new Dovos

    Right now, I'm thinking of having the Mrs. buy the MOP and I'll buy the BL. Should I be considering any other razors beyond these two and the Bismark?

    My perspective is only based on a new Boker, 5/8 round point full hollow, and a vintage Bengal, 5/8 less hollow spike point (slightly rounded). I like the stiffness of the Bengal, but from what I've read here that is common with beginners. It makes sense as I can already feel my technique while using the Boker improving. I realize this preference should push me away from the BL, but I think that blade shape would be ideal (not to mention it's beautiful).

    Which Dovo is your favorite and why?

    Keep in mind I am only interested in items from SRD right now. I already have a long list of razors, both new and vintage, I want to aquire later on

    Thanks for your feedback

  2. #2
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    Really hard to tell. I'd get the (stainless steel) Renaissance and the Bismarck. I like larger blades, though, so I'm biased.

  3. #3
    Member TJoshX's Avatar
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    I have had teh Dovo Prima Klang overwhelmingly recommended to me by countless individuals and vendors, many of them describing it as the "best Dovo in Current Production".


    Last edited by TJoshX; 12-23-2009 at 01:50 AM.

  4. #4
    Master of insanity Scipio's Avatar
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    For 300 dollars Id keep an eye on the classifieds or perhaps explore other brands?

    Why are you so set on a Dovo?

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Thumbs up DOVO heads and tales


    My favorite of the DOVOs I have is the 6/8 Special. I think the fake tortise scales are quite handsome and the blade fits my hand perfectly, and it shaves very smoothly. I have a couple 7/8 Friodurs which have taken a remarkable edge, but I can't get the DOVO SS Renaissance to achieve the same shavability. While it too is a handsome razor, the Special shaves better for me.

    In my opinion the scales on the Bismarck are a bit clunky and really deserve a hands-on inspection before buying.

    So, if I had it to do all over again, I'd get the 6/8 DOVO Special all over again. While it's not the only razor I use, I look forward to using it when it rotates up.

    good shaving,

  6. #6
    zib is offline
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    My favorite is my Fritz Bracht Vintage, but since you can't get that anymore. I like the Bismarcks, and the Bergisher Lowe. I think I'd go with the BL, the only thing for me is, I like the bigger blades, the BL only comes in 5/8, if they made it 6/8 or better, I'd be in heaven.....
    We have assumed control !

  7. #7
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    The MOP is a stunning razor, if you can swing it you should get it - no questions asked. They look soooo much better in person; the pictures don't do them justice. Other than that, I like the Renni's and the Bismarks. The Black stars are also very nice looking razors. These are, of course, just my personal preferences. No matter which Dovo you get, it's going to be a great shaver, so pick whichever one or ones happen to strike your fancy.

    Regrading "Prima is the only good Dovo" - I have to say I think that is a totally false statement as well. While I was over at Lynn's, we discussed all the Dovo bashing that goes on, and I had a chance to do a little testing. I pulled out 24 random razors, six each of four different models. I tried them all on the hones and I shave tested all of them. They were Bismarks (two different models), Black Stars, and Best qualities. So, I will restrict my statements to these four models - maybe others are different, but I don't think so.

    Every single razor and set of scales had excellent fit and finish. All were evenly ground and all had, more or less, a bevel on them. They all laid flat on the hones, and I was able to get each one shave ready in maybe 3 minutes. Now, unless quality control varies vastly from model to model, and I don't know why it would, I think it's a safe bet that you'll get a good razor no matter which Dovo you buy. And if you have any doubts, go ask Lynn - he has handled and honed more Dovo's than anyone else I know of.
    Last edited by holli4pirating; 12-22-2009 at 06:54 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeBerlin View Post
    Really hard to tell. I'd get the (stainless steel) Renaissance and the Bismarck. I like larger blades, though, so I'm biased.
    I think I might like larger blades too, so I'm a little disappointed that there are not as many 6/8 as 5/8

    My wife did like the looks of the Renaissance too, so that one is an option. I like that it is stainless too. Isn't this the same blade as the MOP razor though? If so, I would argue the potential collectabilty of the limited edition MOP makes it more desirable. Not to mention, the Mrs is buying me a single "nice one" razor up to $300.

    She and I are going to sit down tonight and make a decision, so I'll make sure to include the Renaissance on the list again. Thanks for the recommendation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Scipio View Post
    For 300 dollars Id keep an eye on the classifieds or perhaps explore other brands?

    Why are you so set on a Dovo?
    I want to purchase them from SRD while they are offering lifetime honing. I plan to learn to hone eventually, but getting a couple razors that will be forever "Lynn sharp" sounds like a great idea to me. I already bought a Boker during the promotion. I like it fine, but I want to get a Dovo. Since SRD has many to choose from, I am going to get 2 I think

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce View Post

    My favorite of the DOVOs I have is the 6/8 Special. I think the fake tortise scales are quite handsome and the blade fits my hand perfectly, and it shaves very smoothly. I have a couple 7/8 Friodurs which have taken a remarkable edge, but I can't get the DOVO SS Renaissance to achieve the same shavability. While it too is a handsome razor, the Special shaves better for me.

    In my opinion the scales on the Bismarck are a bit clunky and really deserve a hands-on inspection before buying.

    So, if I had it to do all over again, I'd get the 6/8 DOVO Special all over again. While it's not the only razor I use, I look forward to using it when it rotates up.

    good shaving,
    Thanks for the response. I'm sure that razor shaves well. I propossed getting a 5/8 and a 6/8 of the less expensive razors. I explained to my wife that the blades are very similar and that the price differences are usually due to fancier scales. She wants to buy me a "nice one" which means it has the bling too

    Quote Originally Posted by TJoshX View Post
    To the thread starter, best of luck in your purchase! I wish you well and am sure being a beginner like myself probably will be happy with any of the purchases you are considering. I was merely trying to share what I personally found.

    I won't be checking back up on this thread.
    Well in case you do check back, thanks for the suggestion
    I'll look into the Prima Klang too, but I'm leaning towards a stainless blade.

    Quote Originally Posted by zib View Post
    My favorite is my Fritz Bracht Vintage, but since you can't get that anymore. I like the Bismarcks, and the Bergisher Lowe. I think I'd go with the BL, the only thing for me is, I like the bigger blades, the BL only comes in 5/8, if they made it 6/8 or better, I'd be in heaven.....
    I agree 100%. I really want a 6/8, but those selections are limited

  9. #9
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    so you want the most bling for the buck? I guess for me that puts the MOP and BL pretty much at the top. I do have a thing for natural materials over plastic though, the later has been and continues to be enough for me to part with dorkos, pumas, ducks, bokers, and other great and highly sought after razors.

    the renaissance has different blade than the 41, but they're both stainless.

    I have owned dovo 41 both current production and from the fritz bracht times, the later is clearly superior, but that's neither an option for you, nor does it match your criteria.
    Last edited by gugi; 12-23-2009 at 08:58 AM.

  10. #10
    Member Stuart74's Avatar
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    I recently purchased the Dovo BL from SRD and I must admit it does give a really nice shave.

    I also have a cheap 5/8 razor, and the Dovo is far superior.

    I also purchased a Bismark with black scales from SRD and just got it in the post today.

    I will shave with it later today and let you know what it is like and how it compares to the BL.

    I'm sure which ever razors you get you will be very happy with them.


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