I have a 14 EPBD and a 13 DT. Both are incredibly smooth, but I marginally favor the 13 DT.

It seems as if the sentiment in this thread is that those who own Fillys feel that they are in so many ways superior to most other blades.
Those who do not own them perhaps do not understand how there could be such a vast difference between a great shaver and a Fili.

I can't put it into words because I just don't have them. Someone more eloquent than I am may come along and make the experience succinct, but for me it defies language. And I'm not just being sentimental about my razors. There is a difference. When I shave with them, they glide across my face and they're so smooth it feels like they couldn't cut butter. But the whiskers are gone and my face feels smooth.
The first time I used my 14 EPBD I remember thinking, "It doesn't even feel like I could cut myself with this." And I got an amazing shave.

The Fili sets a new standard for what I expect out of a razor now.