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  1. #1
    Senior Member The_Pastor's Avatar
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    Default Thank you all for being gentlemen

    Not sure were to put this thread, but I made a comment in a thread on B&B (This I Must Share With You - Badger & Blade - read it, it is very touching), and I really think that you guys deserve this as well:

    I made two requests to two different gentlemen, both regarding a custom made item, that I would like them to make for me.
    We agreed on the design, price etc., and I told them that the deal would be final on the 1st of april (payday), and if they would be so kind as to have the items ready for that day to ship out, when I had transferred the money.

    Both gentlemen declined this. Within a week they both had made the customs and shipped them to me. They dont know eachother (I think), and the items are not related. Both of them wrote me something like: "I trust that you will pay on the 1st of April, I see no reason to withhold the item, since it is ready to ship".

    I was very very touched by this.

    Also I try to give something back to the community. A guy told me that he had shaved with a straight, but that it was now dull, and he didnt have hones or strops. I told him to send the razor to me, and I honed it for him and returned it. In the package I put in some special lotion, that I think is good for his very sensitive skin. No charge of cause.

    This truly is a special place in this world.

    Thank you all.

  2. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to The_Pastor For This Useful Post:

    bonusmarple (03-22-2010), Bruce (03-22-2010), Lazarus (03-22-2010), Maolo (03-21-2010), RoadKingMoe (03-21-2010), Sailor (03-21-2010), TheRedlines (03-21-2010)

  3. #2
    RAWR X Eleventy !!!!!!11ONE TheRedlines's Avatar
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    I can't quit smiling. May God bless you Pastor. That made my day.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to TheRedlines For This Useful Post:

    The_Pastor (03-21-2010)

  5. #3
    Sardaukar salazch's Avatar
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    Everybody on this site is awesome. Thomas you are the man.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to salazch For This Useful Post:

    The_Pastor (03-21-2010)

  7. #4
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    It's never surprising to hear of this on the forums but always touching
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  8. #5
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    It is always good to know that there are still people out there with honor and integrity. One of the reasons why i like this hobby is the fact that everyone that i have encountered with in these forums are so willing to help each other out. It is a good feeling

  9. #6
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    Yes, the shaving world is a great place, both the De community and straight community have been fabulous! For example, BobAllman from this forum had given me a razor which ultimately ended up with a man in need at the VA hospital. I've made a couple of "filly" style strops and had paired them with a cleaned up and honed ebay razor for those who need them.

    Sometimes, it's a "tough sell" as some just are afraid of the straight, so it's DE time!. The response is overwhelming. I have PMed you about my idea of creating a board to distribute to men's shelters, half way houses, etc. Perhaps even piffing straight "kits" to servicemen overseas....

    I guess what started it all was watching a poor man trying to shave with a month old disposable razor and hand lathering with bar soap, while I have dozens of nice straights and several strops at home...... the desparity got to me........

  10. #7
    Senior Member Sharp&Shiny's Avatar
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    This is a truly heartwarming story & a great reminder of the generostiy & goodness of people
    Thanks for posting

  11. #8
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Very touching story from you Pastor. So nice to hear that there still are real gentlemen.
    'That is what i do. I drink and i know things'
    -Tyrion Lannister.

  12. #9
      Lynn's Avatar
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    I always enjoy hearing stories like this.

    The first straight razor forum was really founded with a pay it forward mentality and that philosophy has been prevalent here since the start. We have so many wonderful people here who do so much for people all the time and seek absolutely no recognition. It is an amazing spirit. It is also nice to see that the forums who have followed have also adopted this fine spirit.

    Spread the word and thank you,


  13. #10
    lz6 is offline
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    Thanks for posting that. It is a tribute to those few folks left who still live the concept of honor, trust and respect. I have found this not only with the SRP and it's members but in a few online cigar smokers communities as well. No doubt there are others as well who fill the bill. I sometimes think it
    is just a reflection of the condition of mankind that aficionados of certain endeavors, whatever they may be, have found a way to band together because of the internet and the members location on this planet is no longer relevant.

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