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  1. #11
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    Thanks for the replies everyone!

    For my tastes, I like a razor that has a clean blade, no worked spine, a nice tang stamp, and nice but simple scales. The razor I linked to nearly fits all of those criteria, which is why I was curious about it. I also like that it is a stainless steel razor. It is on the expensive side - ~$240 if you do it right. Also, the stamp is laser-etched, which is really lame.

    The new old stock Henckels are probably awesome shavers. That said, they usually are spike points and at least 7/8's in size with worked spines. Being new to this, those are things that do not appeal to me at the moment. Another thing to take into account with the NOS Henckels is that it will cost about $30 to have Mr. Abrams hone the razor. Also, getting scale replacement on the razors could cost some more money as well. All in all, I would be willing to pay the money for a new razor if the razor is good.

    A person on another forum mentioned that these razors shave just as good as the old ones. However, a famous person on this forum implied that the razors were OK, but not nearly as good as the pre-WWII vintage Henckels razors.

    I am definitely looking forward to more responses. Thanks again.

  2. #12
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    Glen, is the second razor you are honing a Friodur as well? If so, then that would make an awesome comparison. If second razor were a high carbon steel razor, then I am not sure how to take the results of that experiment.

    I don't know about anyone else, but I certainly feel that your opinion is worth something. Being new, I only have my personal tastes, limited personal experience, and great advice from more experienced people to go by.

    Thanks for conducting the experiment. I am looking forward to the results.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magpie View Post
    I'm curious, I picked up one of those NOS Henckels, and I noticed that the grind was not very consistent across the blade. Has anybody else picked up one of those 120-160 dollar jobs, and noticed similar?
    Did you buy one of those factory seconds?

  4. #14
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    got in on the bay, so it would not surprise me.

  5. #15
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by altshaver View Post

    Glen, is the second razor you are honing a Friodur as well? If so, then that would make an awesome comparison. If second razor were a high carbon steel razor, then I am not sure how to take the results of that experiment.

    I don't know about anyone else, but I certainly feel that your opinion is worth something. Being new, I only have my personal tastes, limited personal experience, and great advice from more experienced people to go by.

    Thanks for conducting the experiment. I am looking forward to the results.
    His 2nd razor is not, it is just a Twins, but I have all 3 generations of Friodurs sitting here, that is what I am going to test...
    In my personal collection I have a 11/16 Vintage Friodur, then one of the Big Ole 8/8 as I call them now 2nd generation Friodurs and the brand spanking new one that is totally different from the other two..
    1st generation is a single stabilizer full hollow
    2nd generation is a full hollow with a rather hybrid grind
    3rd generation is a 1/2 hollow shoulderless...

    So obviously the feel is going to be different between them but that is the best I can do...

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  7. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by altshaver View Post
    A person on another forum mentioned that these razors shave just as good as the old ones. However, a famous person on this forum implied that the razors were OK, but not nearly as good as the pre-WWII vintage Henckels razors.
    I think I've tried between 4 to 6 of these newly ground 7/8 friodurs and my impressions are that there are significant variances among them. Not only on fit and finish, but also in how they hone and shave.
    I haven't had that many vintage friodurs though so I cannot make any meaningful comparison. However the friodurs I have kept are vintage.

    I do expect that regular factory production by a well established company is a lot more consistent than finishing blanks into a razor by completely anonymous entities.

    And going for the lowest price without taking into account potential shortcuts that make this price possible is most often than not a mistake.

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  9. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by altshaver View Post
    Thanks for the replies everyone!

    For my tastes, I like a razor that has a clean blade, no worked spine, a nice tang stamp, and nice but simple scales. The razor I linked to nearly fits all of those criteria, which is why I was curious about it. I also like that it is a stainless steel razor. It is on the expensive side - ~$240 if you do it right. Also, the stamp is laser-etched, which is really lame.

    The new old stock Henckels are probably awesome shavers. That said, they usually are spike points and at least 7/8's in size with worked spines. Being new to this, those are things that do not appeal to me at the moment. Another thing to take into account with the NOS Henckels is that it will cost about $30 to have Mr. Abrams hone the razor. Also, getting scale replacement on the razors could cost some more money as well. All in all, I would be willing to pay the money for a new razor if the razor is good.

    A person on another forum mentioned that these razors shave just as good as the old ones. However, a famous person on this forum implied that the razors were OK, but not nearly as good as the pre-WWII vintage Henckels razors.

    I am definitely looking forward to more responses. Thanks again.
    Not always...I recently purchased a 5/8" Henckels Friodur round point on Ebay that has no worked spine. I plan to place it in my regular SOTD rotation, once I get it honed.

    There are even larger sized (7/8") Henckels round point NOS Friodur's with no worked spine available for purchase. Check out the following link:

    7/8 Henckels Friodur Round Point - black plastic : Shaving Shop - luxury classic wet shaving products - straight razors
    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

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  11. #18
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    Default First Shave New Henckels

    First let me make sure you understand that this is the very first of the New Henckels that I have messed with, so I am basing this on one razor which is not such a great idea... But you asked...

    This razor had the the 5/8 "Hollow Grind blade I should point out that there are two different hollow grinds shown, one has a double stabilizer that on the Henckels website is listed as 6/8 and the other (this one) has a shoulderless grind, this razor is a 1/2 hollow by my estimation.. This one has the upgraded wood scales in Red/Blue Tobacco wood* or composite to us gun people... The design and execution of the scales is a whole other discussion...

    As to the blade, I would, off of honing just this one razor, recommend that unless you are pretty good on the stones to have it Pro-Honed the first time through, as the bevel set was a bit harder than most new razors..
    I chose the Naniwas (1-3-5-8-10-12) as I get the smoothest edge on the big Friodurs on them, I finished with 10 laps CrOx and 15 laps CeOx on my bench strops then 50/100 linen and leather and shaved
    This is a straight forward no nonsense razor, it plows right on through like any 1/2 hollow should.. The feel was NOT as smooth as the old 11/16 Vintage Friodur, sorry it just wasn't, the old steel is much smoother... Comparing to the 2nd generation Friodurs I would say the steel is pretty close, the bigger blades are much more hollow, and well, bigger, so they have more flex, and feel more comfortable to MY face... That might not be true for people who like the stiffer blades or for the Double Stabilzer Full hollow grind new one...

    I guess, I am riding the fence here, just not enough data to say...Make what you want out of what I found, but I would not draw any conclusions from it...

    * I am 99% sure this is reversed with the "Bi-Colour" wood on their website...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 05-08-2010 at 08:18 PM.

  12. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    altshaver (05-08-2010), Blue (05-08-2010), csudvm2003 (05-15-2010), Library Guy (05-09-2010), MrDavid (05-16-2010)

  13. #19
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    Thanks a lot for the comparisons, Glen. I really appreciate the time you took to write up your experiences on these razors. I can't say I am too surprised by your results. Old is usually gold as far as far as razors go. If I ever get a vintage 11/16, half-hollow Friodur, I might send it to you for a comparison - if you would be interested.

    I think you are right, though. I think a direct razor to razor comparison is needed to see how the new and old stack up. So long as the same old and same new razor performed the same for you, then I would say that there would be pretty good parity, even if you just didn't like the type of grind at least there would be consistency - which is what I think everyone is after.

    Thanks again!

  14. #20
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    On the new shoulderless Friodur, is the tang marked with a model number? It looks kinda like their old 50 1/2.


    LG Roy

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