Quote Originally Posted by mcjacob71990 View Post
ive been looking into some backuo razors or just more razors for future use and i figured hey, why not seven? I found a set on Classicshaving.com through this site. its a DOVO set, but the price almost seems too good to be true. Are these blades of the same quality as my recently purchased Dovo Best Quality? Is 57$ per razor too good to be true?

this is the set. Straight Razor Sets
If you are dead set on this, I'd recommend trying one, just one. Then try other razors, of different sizes, grinds and makes. When you have found what you like best, then go for a set.

Personally, I have a few razors that I really like, and have them in pairs. If you have razors of good steel and your shaving and stropping technique sound, you don't really need to touch up or hone that frequently.

Another way to look at it is that for the same cost as 7 entry level dovos, you can have a pair of $200 razors or a $400 custom. Also, the hard steel used by most of the custom makers really hold the edge for a long time. I would bet you will need to retouch your 7 dovos used in rotation sooner than one high carbon steel custom used daily.

If you like uniformity, what's better than one daily shaver?