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  1. #11
    zib is offline
    Hell Razor zib's Avatar
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    You don't really need ear lobes anyway.....!
    We have assumed control !

  2. #12
    Senior Member Bazz's Avatar
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    dont do it !! give it time an concentrate on the spike while shaving you'll get the hang of it , and them Im sure you'l be thankfull that you didnt mute it ..

  3. #13
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Actually to tell you the truth that looks more like a square point and not a spike. To me a spike has a more exaggerated edge to it but either way I wouldn't change it.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  5. #14
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    Don't change it, you'll do fine with it...

  6. #15
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    Hate C-Mon's, terrible shavers, don't hone well at all......get rid of them.....
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  8. #16
    Senior Member leadduck's Avatar
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    Realizing I'm in the minority (though not in bad company), I have to vote for rounding. I have Torrey and a W&B that I used to stick myself with every time I used them. I dulled the point very little on the side of my 4K. You can't really see the difference but boy, can you feel it.
    Last edited by leadduck; 08-05-2010 at 08:46 PM. Reason: c'mon. You know by now?

  9. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scipio View Post
    As Ben says it is already slightly rounded. Leave it as it is.

    That's a stunning razor. I especially love the hammered shank and tang. And it looks in perfect condition. I take it you don't have any before photos? How bad was the pitting and what exactly did you do to restore it? I'm asking because it looks perfect.
    The picture was pre-honing. The point on it now is much, much more pronounced.

  10. #18
    Senior Member LawsonStone's Avatar
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    I say do what you have to do for this razor to become one of your favorites. I've tried to adjust to square and spike points, and even if you can learn, the path of that learning will mean several digs of that sharp corner into your face. It is a nasty, nasty cut, not a nick. It will hurt, bleed, look unsightly for days, and leave a noticeable scar.

    Everyone who knows you have started straight shaving will say "Yep, bad idea but he keeps on fooling around with those things..." Or they just look at you with the "What happened to your face?" look.

    I would agree with rounding it off, or selling it to someone who loves spike-points and use the cash on a razor you can enjoy shaving with.

    I'm all for learning a new skill, but not when the tuition is that much discomfort. This is supposed to be fun, a luxurious treatment of your face to a great experience. How many cuts does it take before that happens?

    So…I guess must be deranged, but I say round that thing off or sell it off.

  11. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawsonStone View Post
    I say do what you have to do for this razor to become one of your favorites. I've tried to adjust to square and spike points, and even if you can learn, the path of that learning will mean several digs of that sharp corner into your face. It is a nasty, nasty cut, not a nick. It will hurt, bleed, look unsightly for days, and leave a noticeable scar.

    Everyone who knows you have started straight shaving will say "Yep, bad idea but he keeps on fooling around with those things..." Or they just look at you with the "What happened to your face?" look.

    I would agree with rounding it off, or selling it to someone who loves spike-points and use the cash on a razor you can enjoy shaving with.

    I'm all for learning a new skill, but not when the tuition is that much discomfort. This is supposed to be fun, a luxurious treatment of your face to a great experience. How many cuts does it take before that happens?

    So…I guess must be deranged, but I say round that thing off or sell it off.
    +1 That's damn fine wisdom.

  12. #20
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    I sat down at the table with my hone and it was hard to mess with the lines on my razor. Like I said I really like the razor.

    So I split the difference and knocked down the point close to what you see in the picture in my original post. Still a point, but not as needle sharp. I'll see how that goes and round it off some more if I need to.

    Thanks for the advice and opinions.

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