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Thread: Leather scales?

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil Miller View Post
    I reckon the originals were pressed leather - it is quite dense and hard. I believe they boiled it (like they used to do for hard boot sole leather) then pressed it in heated and greased metal dies, often with a decorative line around the edge. They used to do this for the leather in suits of armour in mediaeval times - cuir boulli was the name. The amount of heat meant you could have a hardened or a very rigid leather - with high heats the actual tannins in the leather begin to flow and when set the scales look a bit like hard rubber.

    Someone at one time or another tried to emulate those originals with just cut, fairly rigid leather - it looks a bit home grown and battered to me.

    There were a copious amount of razors with scales using the cuir bouilli technique - I must have 20 or so sets that I have removed from old razors.

    Wow! Thanks for the info, Neil. That's some good stuff, there.

    Thank you for all of the well wishes, y'all.

  2. #12
    Senior Member souschefdude's Avatar
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    Just stumbled across this thread while looking for something else. Strangley I had been thinking of making scales out of leather, just today. I have a blade that says Ben Hur on it, and it had a cheap set of plastic scales on it. I tried to think of a material that would realte to Ben Hur, and all I could come up with was Leather. But I thought it would be too flexible. I am not familiar with working with leather at all, but I'll have to check out that technique refrred to in a previous post.
    Does anyone know if the material used to stabilize wood would work on leather? (Acrylizing?)

  3. #13
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    My research says you soak the leather well, heat your water to 180, drop in your leather. It will start to change texture, go rubbery, and curl up. At that point, start counting. 20 seconds is the starting point. Longer than that it will end up harder, shorter and thicker. Pull it out and press. I'm going to press mine flat between two slabs of leftover granite from my counter install.

    Your leather will shrink in over all length and expand in thickness. I am going to start experimenting tomorrow with a belt blank I picked up at Tandy leather. I may have to go with thinner stock though.

    Run a Google search for making leather armor. Lots of DIY tips.

    Best of luck, chief.

  4. #14
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    Keep me posted on your progress pz. I'd be interested to know how it comes out.

  5. #15
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by souschefdude View Post
    Does anyone know if the material used to stabilize wood would work on leather? (Acrylizing?)
    Nope, does not. Tried that using Minwax wood hardener & soaking and also in a pressure pot. Neither worked, there was no penetration to speak of. Next step is to try a vacuum pot to keep the leather pores open. Drying them warp free would be a challenge. I would really like to see a set of leather scales stamped and carved. Another option would be to use a thin metal/wood liner and some thin leather.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  6. #16
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Thanks, chief.

  9. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    I like the look. I like it a lot.

    Perhaps a home made leather+(linen || graphite || fiber glass) micarta
    if you are making replacements.

    Fit the razor with some temporary scales, hone it up and
    see how it shaves.

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