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  1. #1
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    Red face Looking for a Straight Razor for Husband

    Hi, I was doing some searching for a good straight razor when I came across this forum. You all seem to know what you're talking about
    Like the title says I'm looking for a razor for my husband. He likes the kind that fold. He shaves his head and face. He uses Fusion right now but he wants a straight razor for Christmas. I have zero knowledge about these.

    I've saved up $165 babysitting. If I have to find a bit more to get something better I probably can. Buying online I have to keep shipping in mind also. If anyone could let me know of any quality razors within my price range it would be well appreciated. I live in Fayetteville, NC if anyone knows a place that sells these razors.

    Thanks a lot!

  2. #2
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    +1 to the above. That shop is offering a free certificate for lifetime honing service with the purchase of a new razor until Christmas... awesome deal for a gift!

  3. #3
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    Hey! Thanks a lot all. Still looking at everything, my husband won't stop snooping around me/messing with me. lol! I'll make sure I post when I figure out what I'm going to get him

    Thanks again

  4. #4
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    Oh and I thought I should ask, are any of the razors better for shaving heads than others?

  5. #5
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Any of the razors listed will shave his head. But...

    After you give him the gift, point him to this website to register and post for asking questions. Tell him to plan on learning the contours of his head a bit at a time and to hang on to his Fusion for awhile to finish the areas he can't do with a straight at first. It will take at least a couple of months to get the hang of it.

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

  6. #6
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    I would just like to say that your husband is a lucky soul to have a partner such as you. I think it's lovely that you've saved your own money, to invest in something that will bring numerous hours of fun to your husband. Many of my friends do not have partners who would do such a thing, and I think it's important to point out your commitment, and the desire to see your husband smile. Kudos to you.

    Thank you,

    P.S. Straight Razor Designs is an excellent place to start, continue, and conclude your research. Though there are many other websites available, I do prefer SRD.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth nicknbleeding's Avatar
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    As Maxi said. Its a wonderful thing your doing. If you dont need a NEW one and can buy a vintage one. In the Classified area you can find inexpensive Razors just as good as a new one. The Majority of the razors people use here on SRP are vintage. Both are a great option. You can pick up a cheeper one just incase he decides its not for him. With the extra money you can buy a Brush and a quality soap or cream. Believe it or not the soap and creams make a huge difference. Good luck and keep us up to date with how it goes.

    Oh yea if you buy from the Class make sure it says Shave ready!
    Last edited by nicknbleeding; 12-11-2010 at 04:44 AM.

  8. #8
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    +1 one the above. I personally think its good to have 2 razors to start with. So while your figuring out what your doing and possibly dulling your blade in the process, you can compare it to another one (that you use less). and the classifieds are a great place to get 2 pretty razors for under 100 shave ready. which leaves funds for a strop (which is important).

    but yes if your going new, another +1 for what the other fellas have said already. free honing is pretty amazing. good luck

    oh p.s. if its his first. maybe a spike point isnt great. by that i mean try getting something that has a nice rounded end. its more friendly.
    Last edited by a_macdiarmid; 12-11-2010 at 05:03 AM.

  9. #9
    Still learning markevens's Avatar
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    Please keep in mind that he needs more than just a razor, but a set of shaving equipment.

    Strop (I like ruprazor personally)
    Badger hair or boar hair Brush
    Proper shaving Soap (prorasso, mama bear, mitchell's wool fat, kissmyface are popular brands)

    Don't skip out on the brush and soap either, thinking that the cream he uses with his fusion will work. Beard prep is an important aspect of straight shaving, and using a brush to apply natural lather is far far superior to rubbing in shaving cream/foam by hand.

    I also recommend buying from straight razor designs right now. The free sharpening for life special is just too good to pass up. They are some of the best sharpeners in the business, and it usually runs $20 per sharpening.

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