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  1. #1
    Junior Member ph33nyx's Avatar
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    Default Evide Sonnant Extra 5/8

    Are the TI Evide Sonnant Extra 5/8 in such demand that they're all backordered?

  2. #2
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    I don't know how popular they are, but after buying one and seeing one more I'm done with the current production until they bring back the original grind that the model is named for.
    They sure don't make them like they used to....

  3. #3
    Junior Member ph33nyx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    I'm done with the current production until they bring back the original grind that the model is named for.
    They sure don't make them like they used to....
    What's different about the grind? I presumed it would be similar to the Doble Evide Sonnant Le Grelot that I have.

  4. #4
    Junior Member Peto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    I don't know how popular they are, but after buying one and seeing one more I'm done with the current production until they bring back the original grind that the model is named for.
    They sure don't make them like they used to....
    Are you sure with that? As far as I know, the names TI uses for they razors are only brand names used through the history. For example Spartacus is reservned for blades sold by Stev Dempster at The Invisible Edge. My point of view - my 6/8 singing one from C135 steel is a really good razor, I like it a lot...

  5. #5
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ph33nyx View Post
    What's different about the grind? I presumed it would be similar to the Doble Evide Sonnant Le Grelot that I have.
    I don't have a picture of my vintage versions, but here's the grind they do nowadays:

    Quote Originally Posted by Peto View Post
    Are you sure with that? As far as I know, the names TI uses for they razors are only brand names used through the history. For example Spartacus is reservned for blades sold by Stev Dempster at The Invisible Edge. My point of view - my 6/8 singing one from C135 steel is a really good razor, I like it a lot...
    TI has stamped, and continues to stamp Spartacus on all kinds of blades, take a look at the razor database in the wiki and you'll see one or two of mine. Vastly different models.

    Evide Sonnant Extra, however, seemed to be a reference to the grind. I'm not arguing whether what they make now is good or bad razor, it just isn't what I expect from it. They may be doing it due to lack of experienced grinders, to save money, because that's what the market wants, or just because of poor control - it doesn't matter at all to me as no matter the reason it's not the razor it used to be (and more importantly that I expect it to be).

  6. #6
    Junior Member Peto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    TI has stamped, and continues to stamp Spartacus on all kinds of blades, take a look at the razor database in the wiki and you'll see one or two of mine. Vastly different models.

    Evide Sonnant Extra, however, seemed to be a reference to the grind. I'm not arguing whether what they make now is good or bad razor, it just isn't what I expect from it. They may be doing it due to lack of experienced grinders, to save money, because that's what the market wants, or just because of poor control - it doesn't matter at all to me as no matter the reason it's not the razor it used to be (and more importantly that I expect it to be).
    Now I understand what have you wanted to say better. From what I understand, TI makes the same blade just with different names. They have few new grinds/sizes but whatever they names mean they still the same blades. But I think it's rather "normal" today, I don't see any company who makes whole scale of grinds as seen on Henkel's grind scale. There is a nice thread where Gabor Buddel writes about those extra hollow ground blades - it seems it is a lost art, unfortunately.

  7. #7
    Junior Member ph33nyx's Avatar
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    Very well stated gentlemen!
    I had been looking at picking one of these up, but now my funds are gone. I just picked up a 7-day set

  8. #8
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    My C135 5/8 Spartacus full-hollow (described on the box as Evide-Sonnant) is a lovely shaver

    It takes and holds a superb edge, and is one of my favourite razors.

    They do seem to be in short supply at present.

    Our UK vendor, Mr Dempster ( is out of stock of these

    Have fun !

    Best regards

    Last edited by PhatMan; 02-09-2011 at 07:59 AM.

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    Special Agent Gibbs's Avatar
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    Do you all think the Dovo Prima Klang Extra-Hollow is more in line what one would consider a "singing" extra hollow razor? They are 2 differetn manufacturers and one might have a "better" FULL hollow than the other.
    ~~ Vern ~~
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  11. #10
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    Certainly my Prima Klang is more hollow ground than my TI full-hollow.

    One is not better than the other, as, for me, they both shave excellently

    It is really down to personal choice which one you would like best (or get both !).

    Good luck in your search

    Have fun !

    Best regards


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