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Thread: Heribert Wacker Straight Razors?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Blademen's Avatar
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    Default Heribert Wacker Straight Razors?

    I am thinking about getting a Heribert Wacker Straight Razor. I heard some positive, but also heard some negative things about his razors.

    I am trying to find a nice French point razor and thought this might be it.

    Any suggestions where to find a nice French point?

  2. #2
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Hello Blademen,

    You are right about the positive and the negative on Wacker razors. Some praise them and some say they are glorified Dovos. I like them, even though from my experience they are a bit difficult to hone. Currently my Wacker collection consists of the 6/8 "Double Set" and one 1st Edition Sheffield. At one time I had considered buying the French point you indicate, but I don't remember what kept me from doing so. Perhaps I was broke, which is not exactly news in my life. It's a handsome razor.

  3. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Wackers when tweaked in are very smooth shavers, they do tend to be a bit finicky about that final finish and can be chippy if they don't like what you are doing.. As my friend Obie already stated
    They are worth the extra effort to learn though...
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  5. #4
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    I could be wrong, but I would think that if you have that much to spend on a razor, you can probably afford the extra bit to have someone else deal with the honing for you.

    Or as Glen said, put in the time and enjoy the result.

    And, of course, as Obie said, YMMV.
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  7. #5
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    The Wackers I've tried shave nothing like Dovos. If somebody thinks they do, I'd say it's most likely user/hone error.
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  8. #6
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    +1 on gugi's post. I have three and honing can be a little challenging. I like the razor you linked, but I would strongly advise having it come to you un-honed and then send it out to one of SRP's vendors for honing. There are a number of excellent honemeisters at SRP. I have two razors from gssixgun and they are outstanding. Also keep them oiled. Regards, Howard

  9. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    6 so far. 4 heavy, 2 full hollow. Both full hollows have warp or wave - not symetric. They still will take an edge, and are very pleasing shavers. The heavy wackers - I can't be objective about. The 1/4 hol. was the first str8 shave I just flat enjoyed. That being somewhat of an imprinting event, I have a completely irrational love for the heavy wackers. The 2 razor set of the Keilschliff and the 1/4 h. Spanish point is what I should have gotten from the beginning. Full hollows are plentiful. The heavier blades (if that's your taste) are harder to come by, and the Wackers seem to be the cheapest 'new' production heavy grind. As I recall, T.I. offered a 1/4 grind in the last year - at a mere $300+. I don't recommend getting it honed by the vendor. It would be worth sending to a pro - or send my way.
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  10. #8
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blademen View Post
    I am thinking about getting a Heribert Wacker Straight Razor. I heard some positive, but also heard some negative things about his razors.

    I am trying to find a nice French point razor and thought this might be it.

    Any suggestions where to find a nice French point?
    I have the exact razor you have linked to. I have had it for about 5yrs now and thoroughly enjoy it.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  11. #9
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    I only have one wacker, and I've been fortunate enough to have had another come across my bench for honing. Both of the experiences I've had mimic Glen's post. They both have taken a bit of poking and prodding to get dialed in....but once they are there it's a gorgeous feeling.

    It's easily on my list of Top 3.

  12. #10
    Senior Member bmf2001's Avatar
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    I purchased a 6/8 Wacker and was supposed to receive it shave ready. It shaved fine to me but when I sent it out for custom scales I was told that it looked like it was honed poorly with tape because the bevel had two angles on it, especially at the heel on one side. Being new I probably would have never known but it still made me upset because that's not what I paid for. Once the bevel was reset and it was rehoned it has been one of my top shavers. I've been shaving for ten months now and now prefer larger blades. So I sold the 6/8 and purchased a 7/8 which despite purchasing it on the 13th I won't receive it till after Thanksgiving. I'm not too happy about that but I just hope this one is properly honed because if it is you can't go wrong with a Wacker.

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