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Thread: What are the top English Straight Razor Manufacturers?

  1. #11
    Member postmastergeneral's Avatar
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    Thanks Manah, you're a wealth of information. I really appreciate this thanks.

  2. #12
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Here's a few more. LOL

    You'll see there are makers beside the Sheffield gang listed.

    Clasp Knife and Razor Manufacturers
    J.M. Abbot & Co (c1860), Welchville, Maine
    Levi Abbot (c1860), Welchville, Maine
    Joseph A. Adams (c1860), 283 Pearl St, New York, NY
    G(crown)R Allison (c1820-1830)
    American Knife Company (c1849-1875), Plymouth Hollow, Conn
    American Shear & Knife Company (c1853-1914), Hotchkissville, Conn
    Ames Cutlery Company (c1829-1935), Lowell, Mass from 1791-1829, Chicopee Falls, Mass from 1829-1935
    Andrew & Tredway DuBuque (c1853-1873), Chicago “Britnal, Terry and Beldon” on blade
    J.H. Andrews & Co Ltd Sheffield (c1860), Toldeo Works, Sheffield
    T. Ascher Sheffield (c1845)
    William Atkins (c1848-1913), Sheffield
    Trade Mark(bear)Milton Works (c1845)
    Atkinson Bros (c1845), Sheffield
    Joseph Badger & Sons (c1860-61), New Haven, Conn
    Baker & Hamilton (c1854-1918)
    Barlow(fish hook & backward N above name) (c1860-1881), Sheffield, blade marked B4*ANY F. WARD CO CUTLERY SHEFFIELD
    James Barlow & Son Sheffield (c1828-1856)
    Samuel Barlow (c1837), Sheffield
    Geo. Barnsley & Sons (c1839-1938), Sheffield
    Barton & Scofield (c1860), 18 & 20 Cliff St, New York, NY with factory in Sheffield
    J.E. Basset & Co (c1747-1897), New Haven
    W.B. Belknap (c1840-1860)
    W.B. Belknap & Co (c1860-1880)
    (fox) C.T. Bingham, late F. Fenney ‘Tally Ho’ (c1860), 1 Platt and 229 Pearl Streets, New York, NY
    W. Bingham Co (c1841-1948), Cleveland
    Birmingham Knife Co (c1849), Birmingham/Derby, Conn
    William Bishop (c1850-51), 40 Congress St, Boston
    Bolles & Hastings (c1841), 231 Main St, Hartford
    Bradford Boston (c1845-1856), 142 Washington St, Boston
    Bradford & Co Boston (c1856-1867), Boston
    L. Bradley & Co Naugatuck (c1844-1896), Salem/Naugatuck and Middlebury, Conn
    John Brammall (c1770-1880)
    Brammell Storrs (c1778-1880), Sheffield, trademark ‘Joppa’
    John Breed & Co (c1851), Norwich, Conn, importer
    Brittain Wilkinson & Brownell Sheffield (c1780-1840), Sheffield, trademark ‘France’
    (bell) Brookes & Crookes Makers Sheffield (c1859-1947)
    Abram Brooksbank Sheffield (c1849-1864), cannon and defiance on back of tang
    Abram Brooksbank Sheffield England (c1849-1864), Malinda Works Sheffield on tang
    J. Brown W(crown)R (c1830-1837)
    W(crown) R J.W. Brown & Co Columbia Work Sheffield (c1830-1837)
    Brown & Kirby (c1851), 76 Chapel St, New Haven, Conn
    Buck Bros (c1853-1927), Worchester, Mass
    R. Bunting & Sons Cast Steel Cutlery Superior Temper (c1837-1864)
    A. Burkinshaw Pain (c1856-1881)
    A. Burkinshaw Pepperell (c1856-1920)
    Butcher, Brown & Butcher (c1827-1830), changed name from Wade & Butcher in 1827, in 1830 was William & Samuel Butcher
    W(crown)R Butcher Sheffield (c1830-1837)
    W.S. Butcher Sheffield/Wade & Butcher (c1830-at least as late as1986), Sheffield
    John Cartwright Pittsburgh PA (c1847-1858)
    Cartwright & Young Pittsburgh (c1858-1860)
    Joseph Church (c1838), 206 Main St, Hartford, Conn
    Clark & Hall Cast Steel (c1797-1823)
    Clark & Hall Warranted (c1797-1823)
    Clark & Scofield (c1860) 5 and 7 Platt St, New York, NY
    W. Clauberg Solingen Prussia (c1847-1875)
    Franklin W. Coburn (c1858-1901), New Durham, New Hampshire
    S(crossed pipes) Colley & Co Sheffield (c1834-1844)
    Collins Co (c1826-1966), Collinsville, Conn
    W(crown)R C. Congreaves patent American razor made from Naylor & Co’s celebrated steel (c1830-1837)
    C. Congreaves W(crown)R (c1825-1865), Sheffield
    James Crawshaw (c1826), successor to Nowill & Kippax
    Johnathan Crookes & Son (c1827-at least 1986)
    Septimus Crookes (c1860), 28 Cliff St, New York, NY, agent for Rogers & Sons, Sheffield
    Cutter (c1850-1944), T. Ellin & Co
    *D* Silver Steel (c1830-1837)
    A. Davy & Sons/A. Davy’s Exchange Works (c1836-1870)
    G. Deakin Sheffield (c1847-1870), 48 Eyre St, Sheffield
    N. & R. Dodge (c1848-1860), 68 West St, Sheffield
    G(crown)R Dudgeon (c1820-1830)
    Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Co (1849-1948), San Francisco, large wholesale house
    G(crown)Edwards (c1830-1837)
    Thomas Ellin & Co Vulcan Steel (c1850-1944)
    T. Ellin & Co (c1850-1944), Sylvester Works, Arundel St, Sheffield
    Thomas Richardson Ellin (c1860-1928), Footprint Works, Sheffield
    Joseph Elliot & Sons Cutlers Sheffield (c1795-at least as late as1986)
    Joseph Elliot Fine India Steel (c1795- at least as late as1986)
    Joseph Elliot & Son Sheffield (c1795- at least as late as1986)
    Ellis Brothers & Co (c1860), 217 Pearl St, New York, NY
    Elsassische Werezeug Fabrik (c1858-1915)
    Empire Knife Co Winsted Conn (c1856-1930)
    Empire Razor Winstead Conn (c1856-1880)
    Eton (c1830-1837), W(crown)R Rogerson on blade
    Eyre Ward & Co Sheafworks Sheffield (c1852-1869)
    John Farr (c1821-1852), Sheffield
    F. Fenney Sheffield Warranted/‘Tally Ho’ F. Fenney Sheffield Warranted/Friedrich Fenney (c1824-1852)
    J. Fielding Sheffield (c1848-1867)
    Les Fils de Puegot France (c1847-1883), located in Valestigney
    H. Fininley (c1850-1851), 18 School St, Boston
    French Bird Co (c1849)
    W. Frisbee (c1792-1807), London
    W(crown)R S. Frost Shear Steel (c1830-1837)
    F.W.C. (c1858-1901), F. W. Coburn
    Gilbert & Co (c1841), 199 Main St, Hartford, Conn
    W. Greaves Warranted/W. Greaves/Fame W. Greaves/Greaves’s Patent (c1799-1816)
    William Greaves Sheffield (c1780-1816)
    Manufactured by W. Greaves & Sons Sheaf Works/W. Graves & Sons (c1816-1870)
    W. Greaves & Sons Cast Steel Warranted Sheaf Works/W. Greaves & Sons Sheaf Works (c1816-1870)
    Joseph C. Grubb & Co (c1863), 236 Market St, Philadelphia, importers
    Hatfields Ltd (c1861-1922), Helca Works, Sheffield
    I. Hall (c1795-1830), Jonathan Hall, Sheffield
    Samuel Hancock & Sons (c1836-1909), Sheffield
    Thomas Hanover (c1860), Bangor, Maine
    (heart eagle heart) Harrington Cutlery Co (c1819 until at least as late as 1986)
    Harrison Bros & Howson Sheffield Cutlers to her Majesty 45 Norfolk St (c1853-1919), Sheffield
    J.T. Hart & Co Kensington (c1851), Conn
    R. Hartkopf (c1855-1957), Solingen
    Charles Hasmer (c1828), Main St, Hartford
    Hatch & Merrill (c1860), Charlestown, Mass
    Alexander Haugh (c1856-1860) 2 Mechanics’ B St, New Haven, Conn
    Haugh & Frisbee (c1857-1858), New Haven, Conn
    Hawcroft & Pearson (c1837-1844), Sheffield
    John Heiffor 3 Paradise Square Sheffield (c1861)
    J. A. Henkels (c1731-present)
    Silas Hoadley (c1849), Plymouth, Conn
    Holley & Co Salisbury (c1844-1846)
    Holley & Co Lakeville (c1846-1854)
    Holley Mfg Co Lakeville (c1854-1930s)
    Hudson & Putnam (c1838), 209 Main St, Hartford, Conn
    Jonathon Hunt Patent (c1829-1837)
    N. Hunt & Co (c1850-1851), 128 Washington St, Boston
    G. Ibberson (c1700-until at least as late as 1986)
    Ibbotson Peace Co (c1847-1864), 84 Russell St, Sheffield
    Iver Johnson Co (founded 1840)
    James Johnson Silver Steel (c1818-1853)
    James Johnson Superior Silver Steel (c1818-1853)
    Thomas B. Johnson (c.1860), Portsmouth, New Hampshire
    Hy. Kaufmann (c1856-as late as 1986), Solingen
    John Kay (c1856-1858), New Haven, Conn
    Kennedy & Way (c1838), 197 Main St, Hartford, Conn
    Kingman & Hassam (c1855-1860), 128 & 144 Washington St, Boston, by 1864 was called Hassam Bros
    Robert Klaas (c1834 to at least as late as 1986)
    Krusius Cutlery (c1856-1983), Solingen
    Adolph W. Kummerlen (c1860), Bridgeport, Conn
    L&G/Lamson & Goodnow Co (c1853-at least as late as 1986)
    Lamson Goodnow & Co Army Knife (c1860-1865), Mass, knife & fork combination
    J. Lee Medway Mass (c1820-1833)
    Chas. S. Little (c1860), 200 Broadway, New York, NY
    C & X Lockwood Bros (c1849-1970), Sheffield
    H.G. Long & Co (c1846-at least as late as 1986), Sheffield
    Joseph Mappin & Bros (c1848-1853), Sheffield
    Mappin, Webb & Co (c1835-1964)
    G. S. Mark (c1860), Portland, Maine
    W&T Marsh W(crown)R (c1830-1837)
    Marsh Bros Celebrated Cutlery (c1860-1947), Sheffield, with offices in New York, NY in 1860
    V(crown)R Marshes & Shepherd Pond Works Sheffield (c1837-1850)
    J. Martin Albany/James Martin (c1832-1874)
    Mazeppa (c1847-1909), Sheffield
    James T. Mix (c1851), 59 & 61 State St, New Haven, Conn
    John Mix (c1810-1830s), Yalesville, Conn, contractor to government for bayonets and small arms
    B. H. Morse (c1857-1858), Waterbury, Conn
    J.A. Mousell (c1860), 48 Fulton, Newy York, NY
    J. Murphy (c1849-1850), 10 Dock St, Boston, by 1855 firm was named J&R Murphy
    Naylor & Sanderson/N & S Patent (c1810-1830)
    John A. Newbold (c1860), 13 Gold St, New York, NY
    New England Cutlery Co (c1852-1860), New Haven then Wallingford, Conn
    New York Knife Co, Matteawan (c1852-1856)
    New York Knife Co, Walden (c1856-1931), New York
    W(crown)R WM. Nicholson (c1830-37)
    Nicholson & Shield (c1859), 169 Main St, Hartford, Conn
    Samuel Norris Sheffield (c1795-1815), used trademark ‘*P. Cast Steel’
    Northfield Knife Co. Conn (c1858-1919)
    W(crown)R Oates Refined Steel (c1830-1837)
    C.S. Osborne & Co (c1826-1883), Newark, made mostly leather working tools
    Saml. Osborne & Co (c1841-1928), Sheffield
    Parkin Acier Fondu (c1785-1800), Staniforth Parkin & Co
    W(crown)R Parkin’s Patent S. Ager’s Tristram India Steel (c1830-1837)
    W.K. & C. Peace (c1835-1947), Sheffield
    David Peeler (c1850-1851), Montage, Mass
    H.M. Phelps (c1857-1858), Waterbury, Conn
    Charles Pickslay & Co. Cutlers to the Royal Family Royal York Works Sheffield (c1832-1843)
    Puma (c1769-at least as late as 1986), Pumawerk, Solingen
    Rawling & Jepson (c1860-1861), 113 Olive St, New Haven, Conn
    Rawson Brothers Sheffield (c1860), Carver St, Sheffield
    J. Rawson & Sons Birmingham (c1846-1853), Birmingham, Conn, in 1853 moved to New Haven
    Rawson New Haven/J. Rawson & Sons (c1853-1883)
    P.A. Reuss (c1861-1909), Mazeppa Works, Sheffield
    Rhodes & Champion (c1814-1826)
    Rice & Lathrup (c1860), West Winsted, Conn
    Rice, Lathrup & Clary (c1856), West Winsted, Conn
    Stephen Richard Co (c1862-1908), Southbridge, Mass, importers and manufacturers
    H. Ridgeway Sunderland (c1844-1871)
    G(crown)R Rodgers Cutlers to His Majesty (c1820-1830)
    W(crown)R James Rodgers Superior Cutlery (c1830-1837)
    V(crown)R Joseph Rodgers & Sons Cutlers to their Majesties (c1837-1901), 6 Norfolk St, star and cross on back of tang
    V(crown)R Rodgers Cutlers to Her Majesty Patent (c1837-1901), star and cross on back of tang
    V(crown)R Joseph Rodgers & Sons Cutlers to Her Majesty Patent (c1837-1901), star and cross on back of tang
    V(crown)R Rodgers Cutlers to Her Majesty Patent No. 6 Norfolk St (c1837-1901), star and cross on back of tang
    W. Rodgers Celebrated (c1830-1890)
    William Rodgers Sheffield (c1830-at least as late as 1986)
    W(crown)R Rogerson (c1830-1837), Eton on tang
    John Rowe & Co (c1860), 269 Pearl St, New York, NY
    Ruff & Lautz (c1860), 9 Court Ave, Boston
    Amos Sanborn (c1860), Lowell, Mass
    Sanderson Bros & Newbould Ltd (c1860-1933), Newhall Steel Works, Sheffield
    Geo. S. Sanford (c1855), 2 Exchange Place. Bridgeport, Conn
    J.M. Schmid & Co. (c1857-1964)
    John Scotti Warranted Lafayette (c1824)
    O.D. Seymour (c1851), 36 Pearl St, Hartford, Conn
    Shelburne Falls Cutlery (c1851-1860), founded in 1837 as Lamson & Goodnow, then to Lamson & Goodnow Manufacturing in 1853
    C.R. Shelton (c1849-1851) Birmingham, Conn and Westville, Conn
    Singleton & Priestman Sheffield England (c1861)
    H.M. Slater Ltd (c1853 to present), Sheffield
    John Smith (c1856), Lowell, Mass
    Smith Bros (c1860-1910), in 1860 at 49 Hawley St, 1864 at 19 Hawley St
    W. & E.H. Smith (c1850-1851), Dalton, Mass
    Smith & Hopkins Naugatuck (c1848-1850)
    Smith & McMaster (c1860), 25 Cliff St, New York, NY
    J.P. Snow & Co Chigago Ill (c1861), offices in Chicago, Ill and Hartford, Conn
    Southern & Richardson (c1846-1961), Sheffield
    South River Cut. Co. Conway Mass. (c1851-1856)
    Stacey Bros (c1847-1920), Sheffield
    Wm. Thomas Staniforth (c1852-1906), Sheffield
    Steer & Webster Makers Sheffield/ Steer & Webster Sheffield (c1833-1867), Castle Hill, Sheffield
    R.S. Stenton (c1860), 1 Platt St and 229 Pearl St, New York, NY, agents for C.T. Bingham of Sheffield
    Paul Storr London (c1792-1844)
    Swain Cutlery Bronxville, N.Y. (c1858-1898)
    Henry Taylor (c1862-1927), Sheffield
    Thompson & Barber (c1826)
    Thompson & Gascoinage (c1852-1856)
    George Tiemann & Co (c1826-1887), 107 Park Row, New York, NY
    W(crown)R Tillotson Sheffield (c1830-1837), ‘Far West Hunting Knife’ on blade
    Torrey Razor Co. (c1858-1963), Worcester, Mass, razor importers from England and Sweden until 1880
    L.D. Towne (c1850-1851), Worcester, Mass
    Trade(bear)Mark Milton Works (c1845), Sheffield
    Andrew & Tredway (c1853-1873)
    M. Trustworthy (c1860-1964)
    3/T Trade Mark (c1811-1952), E.K. Tryon Co, Philadelphia on back of tang
    V(crown)R Thomas Turner & Co Sheffield/Encore T. Turner Best Steel/Turner & Co Cutlers to Her Majesty (c1834-1901), Sheffield
    Thomas Turner & Sons (c1860), 25 Cliff St, New York, NY
    Turton Bros & Matthews Ltd (c1860-1914), Steel, File & Spring Works, Sheffield
    W.A. Tyzack Sheffield (c1850-1953), Stella Works, Sheffield
    W. Tyzack Sons & Turner Ltd (c1861-at least as late as 1986), Sheffield
    Union Knife Co Naugatuck (c1851-1885)
    United Knife Co (c1860), Litchfield, Conn
    Unwin & Rodgers Sheffield (c1848-1867)
    Van Vakt & Naylor W(crown)R (c1830-1837)
    J. Veall (c1836-1882), Sheffield, trademark ‘ Taylor’s eye witness’
    Venture H.M. Slater (c1853 to at lease as late as 1986)
    Vulcan Cutlery (c1846-1944)
    Wade/R. Wade (c1810-1818), became Wade & Butcher in 1818
    Wade, Wingfield and Rowbothham Sheffield (c1825-1858), No 82 Trenter St. Sheffield, crown and Harps on back of tang, small blade marked Wade, Wingfield & Rowbotham Sheffield
    Wade & Butcher Sheffield (B) arrow & cross/Wade & Butcher Sheffield (c1818-at least as late as 1986)
    (anchor) Wade & Butcher (c1818-1890)
    Wade & Butcher Sheffield the Celebrated Fine India Razor (c1818-at least as late as 1986)
    Wade & Butcher for Barber’s Use (c1818-1890)
    Wade & Butcher (B) arrow & cross (c1818-1890)
    J. Walters & Co Globe Works Sheffield (c1846-182)
    F. Ward & Co Sheffield (c1857-1881)
    F. Ward & Co Cutlery Sheffield (c1856-1881)
    S & C Wardlow Sheffield (c1855-1920)
    G(crown)R Warner (c1820-1830)
    J.M. Warren & Co (c1860), 241 and 243 River Troy, New York
    W’ville (c1847-1865), Waterville Mfg Co
    G.M. Way & Co Hartford/George M. Way & Co (c1859) 342 Main St, Hartford, Conn
    A. Weddell (c1850-1851), 15 Hawley St, Boston
    Wester & Butz (c1852-1966), Solingen
    Wilkinson (c1772-as late as 1986), Sheffield
    H. Wilkenson (c1843), 64 and 66 ½ Front St, Hartford, Conn
    W. Wilkenson & Sons Ltd (c1777-1917), Sheffield
    I. Wilson (c1750-1952), Sheffield
    Winchester & Johnson (c1839), 230 Main St, Hartford, Conn
    J. Wiss & Sons (c1848 to as late as 1986), Newark
    C.F. Wolferlitz Co (c1862-1873)
    G. Woodhead Sheffield England (c1850-1876), 36 Howard St, Sheffield
    George Wostenholm W(crown)Celebrated Improved Cutlery (c1832-1837), Rockingham Works, Sheffield
    I*XL George Wostenholm & Son Celebrated Improved Cutlery Rockingham Works Sheffield (c1837-1848)
    G. Wostenholm & Sons Washington Works (c1848-1890), Sheffield
    J. Wostenholm & Co (c1848-1854)
    J. Wostenholm & Sons (maltese cross) EBRO (maltese cross) (c1854-1867), Leicester St, Sheffield
    M. S. Young & Co (c1843-1885), Allentown
    Last edited by Wullie; 08-19-2012 at 07:48 PM.
    Member Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club, participant SE Asia War Games 1972-1973. The oath I swore has no statute of limitation.

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    postmastergeneral (08-20-2012)

  4. #13
    Obsessive compulsive EisenFaust's Avatar
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    Ha! That list could drive a man mad. A big Ascher is on my list, but not for any particular reason - if it's Sheffield, vintage and not too broke then it can more than likely take an excellent edge. Have at it!

  5. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I am under the impression that the big 3 of Sheffield razor makers were Wade & Butcher, Joseph Rodgers and Sons, and George Wostenholm & Sons. Not in terms of being superior to other Sheffield makers, but in amount produced and longevity of the companies. IME all of the old Sheffields I've had have been fine shavers. The thing to look for is not so much who made it as much as what the condition of the blade is now. IMHO.

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    postmastergeneral (08-20-2012)

  7. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I am beginning to think it might be hard to find a bad Sheffield razor but I am sure they exist. The five of different makers that I use have all been good shavers. The only one I had problems with was a Pipe razor with a bent tang that I straightened but shaved well till I dropped it. I am starting to like their heavier grinds like the 1/4 hollows. Interesting thread seeing the different manufacturers mentioned not the same old big three all the time.


  8. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by EisenFaust View Post
    Ha! That list could drive a man mad.
    And I bet Wullie has at least 2 of each!

  9. #17
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    I am beginning to think it might be hard to find a bad Sheffield razor but I am sure they exist...
    No they don't exist. Anything made in Sheffield is, or was, a tremendous razor.

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  10. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Then finding that one bad one would be considered the holy grail of Sheffield razors?


  11. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    No they don't exist. Anything made in Sheffield is, or was, a tremendous razor.

    Charles Peace was made in Sheffield - he was pretty bad! From pictures of him, it didn't look like he was a tremendous shaver, either...

    Jimbo and BobH like this.

  12. #20
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mapleleafalumnus View Post
    And I bet Wullie has at least 2 of each!
    I can ONLY DREAM!

    Now Tom on the other hand probably has three of everything from that list and some that aren't on the list...............

    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I am under the impression that the big 3 of Sheffield razor makers were Wade & Butcher, Joseph Rodgers and Sons, and George Wostenholm & Sons. Not in terms of being superior to other Sheffield makers, but in amount produced and longevity of the companies. IME all of the old Sheffields I've had have been fine shavers. The thing to look for is not so much who made it as much as what the condition of the blade is now. IMHO.
    I don't know, I see a LOT more Frederick Reynolds stuff for sale than I do Joseph Rodgers.

    Using that TOTALLY non-scientific assumption makes me think that Freddy and the boys outdid Joseph and sons in production numbers. I've got several of both and they ALL give stellar shaves.
    Last edited by Wullie; 08-20-2012 at 12:22 AM.
    Member Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club, participant SE Asia War Games 1972-1973. The oath I swore has no statute of limitation.

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