Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
Dunno. I do know that Rodgers and Wostenholm mfgd into the 1970s. W&B maybe the fifties. I think Reynolds was long gone well before that.
Can't argue that, but the bulk of straight razor manufacture had pretty much died off by the 1930's. Wostenholm continued to make knives and cutlery until the 70's.

I own one Wostenholm's "end of days" knives. It's unused with all the paperwork. I've seen better examples of knives coming from China. In other words, they were just a faint shadow of their former prowess and glory.

I'm just basing my statement on the number of razors that I generally remember seeing for sale on the bay.
( My rememberer ain't that great these days either )