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Thread: $300 razor for christmas but wich one?

  1. #21
    < Banned User >
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    For $300 you can get a pretty handsome razor made by just about any manufacturer. Filarmonicas even!

  2. #22
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    At that price range, I honestly don't think you'd get a bad razor. It all comes down to what feels the best in your hand (and on your face) and what style you like, so no one can really tell you what's best for you.

    My advice would be to watch all sources for NOS razors (or vintage blades in great shape, if you are comfortable making that call) and grab whatever speaks to you.
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  3. #23
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    SRP Limited Edition by Robert Williams, raise the ante $60 but worth the extra.

    If I was looking to buy a razor and would have that budget, I'd spring a little extra to get the SRP limited edition.
    And I am not saying that because it is an SRP branded razor
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  4. #24
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    SRP Limited Edition by Robert Williams, raise the ante $60 but worth the extra.
    $60? Nah. For an extra $75, I'd go with The Purist, by Robert Williams... more than "worth the extra."

  5. #25
    Senior Member Naallen12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    SRP Limited Edition by Robert Williams, raise the ante $60 but worth the extra.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    If I was looking to buy a razor and would have that budget, I'd spring a little extra to get the SRP limited edition.
    And I am not saying that because it is an SRP branded razor
    Another +1
    If I had a budget like that I would seriously consider this. Not only is it a kick@$$ custom, it also represents the source of so much collective knowledge that helps so many of us in undertaking the straight road, along with all the amazing and helpful people that stalk about the place
    Just an awesome piece that will make you remember your roots on the straight road and how lucky you are to have it......damn now I have the urge to get one again!!

    Just MHO but with a budget that that, which ever way you go, you are going to end up with a pretty sweet new toy


  6. #26
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    Default Re: $300 razor for christmas but wich one?

    Quote Originally Posted by JBHoren View Post
    $60? Nah. For an extra $75, I'd go with The Purist, by Robert Williams... more than "worth the extra."
    I can agree with that! Then again, for around that much (or a tad higher), you could work with a lot of the custom guys. Then again, getting it done before Christmas would be the issue.
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  7. #27
    Senior Member IamSt8ght's Avatar
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    7/8 is not too big. I thought the same thing until I got a 7/8 T.I. I have since learned a 9/8 is not too big. I recommend a 7/8 Hart, square point. Harts are great razors for a lot of reasons. Good luck with your choice.
    Last edited by IamSt8ght; 10-23-2012 at 01:32 PM.

  8. #28
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    Hart or SRP limited edition. When you have those options, why spend $300 on a factory razor.

  9. #29
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    If I had $300 for a razor, I'd DEFINITELY get a Hart! If I had $300 for whatever shave stuff I want, I'd probably get a couple new stones, send about four razors to Lynn for honing, and get a badass new brush. But that's just me, and you hafta do whatever is right for you. Also, if you happen to get a 7/8 Hart square point and don't like it - I'll certainly take it for a test run!

  10. #30
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Har t's are to plain IMO.. I would go for one of those new SRP's... What doe a Bhuddel run? Those are sweet... And there iss tha Leechko? Fellow that has been putting some nice stuf on ebay. And always a Wacker... I have one and love it even with the tempermental edge.
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