Results 211 to 220 of 1052
10-23-2013, 09:02 AM #211
At the end of fourth grinding.
Middle layer border still moving upwards to the spine.
At the end of fifth and final grinding.
The shape of the blade is almost final, too.
Now the blade needs to be polished and refined in all of its parts.The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+
10-23-2013, 11:29 AM #212
Stunning pics and really neat to see how this project is progressing!
10-23-2013, 02:52 PM #213
Fantastic pictures Antonello. Brings back great memories for me. The noise, heat and smell of Mastro Livi at work. You're blessed to be creating another masterpiece.
10-25-2013, 11:13 AM #214
10-25-2013, 11:17 AM #215
Thank you Jody, I am glad you appreciate the pictures I took at Mastro Livi workshop.
The noise, heat and smell were just the same of when we were there together watching Mastro Livi at work (as well as having a great time indeed!) You never know, maybe one day soon, we will be going together to Mastro Livi workshop again!
I am very happy to know I will soon own a new Mastro Livi razor, a new masterpiece. Stay tuned!The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+
10-26-2013, 04:42 PM #216
Work in Progress #3
the great day has finally come! Today Mastro Livi finished my new razor and brush. He started working on the final phases of the making this morning and ended in the afternoon. Both the razor and the brush came out simply breathtaking and absolutely wonderful. We also made the final decision about the scales and I opted for a double color amboyna wood. As for the brush, I opted for a Madagascar ebony.
Following the pictures of the making of the razor. Mastro Livi started working on the final shape and polishing of the blade as well as on thumb's place of the shank.
The blade is now finished and polished in all of its part. Of course, it still needs to be properly treated in order to reveal the Damascus pattern as well as honing. You can notice, on the upper part of the shank and tang, the ergonomic notches for the fingers. Absolutely magnificent!The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+
10-26-2013, 04:47 PM #217
Preliminary processing of the blade in order to reveal the damascus pattern
Mastro Livi drawing the scales profile on amboyna wood
Mastro Livi cutting the scalesThe RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+
10-26-2013, 04:54 PM #218
Blade and scales finally meet. How do they look like together? A very nice couple!The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+
10-26-2013, 05:07 PM #219
Blade and scales mounted for a preliminary check. Scales still need to be polished and blade needs to be honed.
The great moment has come: the razor has passed all the strict Mastro Livi tests and therefore he decided this is going to be a Mastro Livi razor.
Mastro Livi hand signs it.
Mastro Livi hand signatureThe RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+
10-26-2013, 05:14 PM #220
Scales too are being hand signed by Mastro Livi
This is my razor! I asked Mastro Livi to write my name on the tang
Here it is. A personalized touch will make this razor even more special.The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+