Results 231 to 240 of 1052
10-30-2013, 12:28 PM #231
Thank you very much indeed! I am very grateful to you all for all of your positive comments and appreciation.
The thumb notch is absolutely great, it gives an extra comfortable grip to the razor, not to mention all the other finger notches. I am very happy with it.
I sincerely wish you to have a Mastro Livi razor soon. In case you need help in this and you are considering going to Mastro's workshop, I will be happy to help you. It is worth the trip, not to mention, it is worth the pleasure you get from a Mastro Livi razor.The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+
11-03-2013, 10:59 AM #232
Mastro Livi at the Culter Expo
This weekend I am traveling and I happened to be in Milan. This weekend in Novegro - near Milan - there is the Culter Expo, an Italian cutlery exhibition to which took part Livi Coltellerie and, of course, Mastro Livi was there exhibiting his wonderful razors. Mastro Luca Livi was also there exhibiting a good selection of his handmade knives.
Mastro Livi stand has been one of the most visited booths of all the exhibition, not only for the beautiful razors and knives they were showing, but also for the fact they were offering a free honing service for anyone who wanted to have their knives, razors and kamisoris honed to perfection by Mastro Livi and Mastro Luca Livi.
In this occasion, I also had the honor of meeting Camillo Silvano, one of the most revered forgers in Italy and who makes beautiful carbon damascus steel. Camillo Silvano also occasionally provides the damascus steel to Mastro Livi for his razors. Of course, Mastro Livi and Camillo Silvano are best friends and it was so exciting to see them together in the same place. You should know Mastro Livi and Camillo Silvano represent the highest expression of Italian artisan forgery and cutlery. Camillo Silvano, besides making beautiful carbon damascus steel, he also makes wonderful knives and swords: magnificent masterpieces I had the honor to personally see and to hold in my hands. He makes beautiful swords and, despite the fact they all were incredibly wonderful, I was particularly impressed by a beautiful "daisho" he was showing at the exhibition: a beautiful katana with a wakizashi and tanto. Camillo Silvano allowed me to hold all of them in my hands and it was absolutely exciting for me, as I have been a student in martial arts for more than twenty years and also studied Japanese and Chinese swordplaying, as well as other weapons and fighting styles.
Camillo Silvanio and Mastro Livi represent the highest form of artisan cutlery and forging we have in Italy: two magnificent "maestro"! Of course I took some pictures for you to see: I hope you will enjoy them!
Mastro Livi at the Culter Expo honing knife
Quality above all: Mastro Livi personally testing a straight razor he has just honed
The Picture of the Century:
Camillo Silvano holding a billet of his carbon damascus steel and Mastro Livi holding one of his razors.
Two great artisans, talented artists with a never ending passion for their job: the very best you can get in Italy about forgery, cutlery and straight razors.
The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+
11-03-2013, 11:09 AM #233
Mastro Luca Livi holding a chef knife he made. Just like the razors, also Livi knives are all hand made.
Father and Son: Mastro Lido Livi and Mastro Luca LiviThe RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+
11-03-2013, 11:17 AM #234
Part of the straight razors, kamisoris and razor blades made by Mastro Livi and shown at the stand
Part of the kitchen knives made by Mastro Luca Livi and shown at the standThe RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+
11-03-2013, 11:25 AM #235
Camillo Silvano at his stand. On the right, the beautiful daisho he made with a katana, wakizashi and tanto.
On the table, artisan knives he made, wood for handles and carbon damascus billets he made.
To the right of the table, part of the swords he made and was showing at the exhibition.Last edited by razorguy; 11-03-2013 at 11:28 AM.
The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+
11-04-2013, 07:06 PM #236
Thanks for sharing that amazing story.
I really don't think I'll ever be in a position to get one..
Sad thing is, when this whole trip is over I'll more than likely have spent twice over what it would have cost on various others.
Ahh, the eternal question...Own only one that is close to perfection, or many that are damn fine?
I think I went through a decision like this once before....married the one.
I'll let it go at that......Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium
11-06-2013, 09:42 AM #237The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+
The Following User Says Thank You to razorguy For This Useful Post:
ColonelG (11-06-2013)
11-10-2013, 04:47 PM #238
That is what I call epicurean shaving.
11-10-2013, 07:00 PM #239
That's a truly gorgeous razor. Mastro Livi's Damascus really does get better and better the more you use it. I'm getting the hang of hand stropping too. Very satisfying.
11-12-2013, 09:08 AM #240The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+