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Thread: My Mastro Livi razor, at last: a wonderful life experience!

  1. #271
    Senior Member bryan's Avatar
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    "the experimental inox"

    what is it ?
    Last edited by bryan; 01-09-2014 at 12:44 PM.

  2. #272
    Senior Member razorguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bryan View Post
    "the experimental inox"

    what is it ?
    I have no idea! This is how Mastro Livi is currently calling this stainless steel he used for this razor. He is now experimenting on many steels in order to find new materials for his blades, something Mastro Livi always did in the course of his career.
    The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+

  3. #273
      Lynn's Avatar
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    I am just loving all the great pictures and appreciate the updates.

    These razors are simply gorgeous and I haven't met one yet that was not a superior shaver! Every one is a work or art in it's own right.

    Thank you!

  4. #274
    Striving for a perfect shave. GeauxLSU's Avatar
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    What a beautiful razor! I'm going to have to add a Livi to my collection. It's your fault.

  5. #275
    Senior Member razorguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    I am just loving all the great pictures and appreciate the updates.

    These razors are simply gorgeous and I haven't met one yet that was not a superior shaver! Every one is a work or art in it's own right.

    Thank you!
    Thank you so much for your appreciation! It is such a great pleasure for me to share with all the gentlemen here my report about Mastro Livi and his magnificent straight razors.
    I agree with you: Mastro Livi straight razors are all superior shavers. Not only masterpieces of art, but also an incredible edge perfection always giving an impeccable shave.

    Thank you all for reading this. I hope you will continue enjoying this thread as much as I do in writing it.
    The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+

  6. #276
    Senior Member razorguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxLSU View Post
    What a beautiful razor! I'm going to have to add a Livi to my collection. It's your fault.
    Adding a Mastro Livi to your collection is not my fault: it would be your joy and satisfaction!
    The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+

  7. #277
    Senior Member PigHog's Avatar
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    If you have the time, I'm sure that I wouldn't be the only one interested to read a post comparing each of Mastro Livi's steels (the ones that you own, at least).

    Obviously with my thoughts of purchasing my own Livi razor--though, already, it's looking like I may have to wait until the time is right--choosing a steel is no easy task and, aside from just being interesting anyway, to hear your thoughts on a comparison of your razors would be invaluable!

  8. #278
    Senior Member razorguy's Avatar
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    Thank you for trusting my supposed skill in comparing all of Mastro Livi steels, at least, the ones I own so far. I will try to do that as well as trying to do my best. I will certainly post this in the following days.
    As for choosing the best steel for your razor, I guess the best thing you can do if asking Mastro Livi: his competence and knowledge will suggest you the very best. I know this is not so easy for you but this is what happened when I ordered my first Mastro Livi, something I wrote in the first post of this thread.
    He inspected both my skin and beard and then he suggested me the best steel and grinding according to this. If you happen to come to Italy and order a Mastro Livi, he will certainly do that before starting the making of the razor. This is something I personally witnessed many times with other straight razor lovers who came to Mastro's workshop. Mastro Livi is exacting in every aspect, some called him a "perfectionist" and I guess they are right.
    Of course, in case you want a different steel and grinding, Mastro Livi will certainly make the razor according to your wish, but i strongly suggest you to take his advice!
    So far I have the following steels forged by Mastro Livi:

    • Damasteel (1 razor)
    • Mastro Livi Carbon Damascus Steel (1 kamisori, 1 razor)
    • RWL 34 (2 razors)

    I also tested an experimental stainless steel of which I have no idea of what it is. Mastro called it "experimental inox" and this is all I know about it.
    The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to razorguy For This Useful Post:

    Gipson (01-20-2014)

  10. #279
    Senior Member razorguy's Avatar
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    Default My New Travel Mastro Livi Loom Strop

    Mastro Livi is a genius and I have a lovely story to tell.
    Last night I went to Mastro Livi workshop and, as usual, we ended up talking a lot about razors, of course. You gentlemen probably know I travel quite a lot and Mastro Livi too knows about this. So he asked me when I was leaving this month. I replied I was about to leave Saturday morning and I was jokingly complaining about the fact I needed a handy travel strop which could easily fit in my bag without wasting too much space. I was joking, of course, but Mastro Livi replied that I was right and a travel loom strop would be useful in such occasions. I then went home and forgot about this strop talk.

    This morning I received a phone call from Mastro Livi and he said "When are you about to leave?"
    "Tomorrow morning", I said.
    "Do you think you have the time today to come and visit me?", Mastro said.
    "Well, I have so many things to do because I am organizing everything for tomorrow but I can see whether I can manage to do that. Why?", I said.
    "I just finished making your travel strop and it is here waiting for you. I thought you could take it with you tomorrow." Mastro said.
    "I will certainly find the time and I will certainly be there late this afternoon!", my reply.

    Of course, I managed to find the time and went to his workshop. Mastro Livi showed me the travel loom strop he made and, I guess you understand, it was love at first sight! So lovely! A miniature loom strop which can easily fit in a handbag. Absolutely ingenious!
    I am posting some pictures for you to see and I hope you will enjoy as much as I did when I saw this lovely and wonderful travel loom strop. Once again, Mastro Livi proved to be a remarkable artisan!
    And, yes, you guessed it right: this one is going to travel with me tomorrow!

    Name:  TravelLoomStrop-1.jpg
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    My New Travel Mastro Livi Loom Strop. It is just 16 centimeters long (about 6 inches)
    Isn't it lovely?

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    Linen side treated with the famous Mastro Livi chromium oxide paste

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    And it is signed, of course.

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    Stag horn handle. This too is signed, of course!
    The RazorGuy - StraightRazorChannel on Youtube and Google+

  11. #280
    Senior Member stefanosup's Avatar
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    congratulations dear countryman, and 'truly brilliant and wonderful. I have two, a small one that I use for travel and media and are inseparable for me. But yours is really special!

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