Midnight (a la lifetime)
- aragornelessar86,
- DPflaumer,
- freimaurer,
- janivar123,
- jimmyw111,
- joke1176,
- maniotas1,
- mbwhoosh
Something including Black and special/limited/etc (elaborate below please)
- harleyprof,
- Neil Miller,
- Scipio
Evil Edge, Black Edge, something with edge (elaborate below please)
- Churchill,
- Hacker7,
- m147,
- MrLastway,
- oldblades,
- radaddict,
- Ranger5277,
- sidneykidney,
- TheBeardedCommodore,
- too4u666
Other. Please suggest below.
- BKratchmer,
- cutalot,
- Doc,
- Garry,
- holli4pirating,
- kilowattkid,
- mrsell63,
- Stubear,
- xChris