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Thread: Sun March 29th - Sat April 04th

  1. #1
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Sun March 29th - Sat April 04th

    Razor: Dubl Duck Goldedge
    Brush: RazorPimp
    Lather: QED Wild Rose
    Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel
    Nourishing: Aqua Velva + Ice balm

    Enjoy the new week!

    əˌfisyəˈnädō | pərˈfekSH(ə)nəst | eS'prəSSo | düvəl ləvər

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth evnpar's Avatar
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    Razor: Wade & Butcher - Wave Crest 5/8 Ivory
    Strop: Neil Miller 3" Shell Cordovan
    Brush: Oscar11 L7 TGN Super 2-Band
    Lather: JabonMan - Tierra Húmeda
    Astringent: Barrister & Mann - Fougère Classique

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  3. #3
    EdG is offline
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    Today my son, who is almost six, decided he wanted to "shave like a man" with his dad, and not just play in the tub. It was a lot of fun. No pictures, but wanted to share. I know in another 7 or 8 years he won't want to do anything with me, so I try and cherish these times!!!

    My son Nicolas:
    Razor - plastic Ninja Turtles designed to look like a cartridge razor.
    Lather - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles bath foam, Mutant Mango scent
    Brush - AoS mini black handle brush
    Bowl - Old Spice plastic mug
    After - a small splash of Musgo Real
    BBS?? You bet!!!! Very smooth face!

    Razor - microtouch one DE with Dorco blade (didn't want to use straight today for obvious reasons).
    Bowl - Dirty Bird Scuttle
    Brush - Custom silver tip badger with maple burl handle with turquoise inlay.
    Soap - SRD Vanilla Bourbon
    After - Captains Choice Bay Rum
    Cologne - Penhaligon's Hammam Bouquet
    baldy, Mikael, Geezer and 20 others like this.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth evnpar's Avatar
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    One of the best SOTD posts I've ever read! I have fond memories of watching my grandfather and father shaving over sixty years ago, and still enjoy using Mennen's and Old Spice now and then to bring back the memories of how they smelled afterwards.
    baldy, Mikael, Geezer and 11 others like this.

  5. #5
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    Dubl Duck Goldedge 13/16 full hollow
    Kanayama cordovan #8000
    Bill Jack custom Blue 8
    L'Occitane Cade soap
    L'Occitane Cedre & Oranger balm
    L'Occitane Cedre & Oranger Edt

    “Wherever you’re going never take an idiot with you, you can always find one when you get there.”

  6. #6
    Senior Member PatrickA51's Avatar
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    Planed SOTD for Sunday 29Mar15

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    Left to Right Back-row:"Old Corps"& "Oscar 11" Custom 28/65mm TGN Finest Badger F-2 Knot Resin Handle Brush VDH Luxury Mug Set, Captain's Choice Cat O' Nine Tails
    Left to Right Front-Row: Shave Secret Shaving Oil,Wilkinson Sword DE Blades White Container, ATT R-1 88mm Kronos Handle ** {This Razor is used but not always in my Rotation}, RazoRock Ultimate Aftershave.

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    Prep: Hot Shower-Stirling Tea Tree Bath Soap, Neutrogena Men Invigorating Face Wash
    Deodorant: Mennen Speed Stick * Wet wash cloth soaked in Cold Water
    Shaving Mug: VDH Luxury Mug
    Shaving Soap: VDH Deluxe Shave Soap
    Razor: ATT Atlas R-1 88mm Kronos Handle
    Blade: Wilkinson Sword DE Blade (1)
    Brush: "Old Corps"& "Oscar 11" Custom 28/65mm TGN Finest Badger F-2 Knot Resin Handle Brush
    Aftershave: Stirling Cat O' Nine Tails A/S

    WTG-XTG-ATG (adjusted angles for my beard). Start with a new Wilkinson Sword Classic Razor Blade. I will also Face Lather again tomorrow, I will wipe face off with Ice Cold Wet Wash Cloth. I will be shaving with Cold Water. Hopefully it will result in another DFS-BBS, with "No Nicks or Weepers".
    baldy, MODINE, Mikael and 21 others like this.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member Slur's Avatar
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    Razor: "The King's own"
    Brush: "Chubby Pork"
    Soap: "Almond & Cherry"
    AFS: Pure Maccadamia butter

    Have a nice day!
    baldy, MODINE, Mikael and 24 others like this.

  8. #8
    Senior Member MichaelS's Avatar
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    Razor: JC2C 7/8
    Brush: Simpson's Milk Churn
    Soap: awildsoap Black Willow Bark
    A/S: None

    Have a great Sunday!

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Prep: Sauna
    Brush: Simpson´, Astor
    Razor: Mappin and Webb, Shilling razor
    Soap: Jabonman
    AS: Mennen
    Edt: Penhaligon's
    Result: Very, very clean indeed

    Fantastic brush and a perfect blade for the days when you've got heavy stubble.
    baldy, MODINE, Geezer and 27 others like this.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Gioppi74's Avatar
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    SOTD 2015-03-29

    Pre: Proraso — Crema Pre Barba — Olio di Sandalo e Burro di Karité.
    Brush: Omega # 98 —Il Famoso Pennello — Pura Setola.
    Lather: Lebelle Soaps — Tallow Shaving Soap — Tobac Vanille.
    Razor: Revisor 6/8" — Solinger Qualitä — C.Friedr.Schmidt.
    Strop: La Paciccella — Full Grain Leather and Jeans — by Paciccio.
    Post: Cold Water and Alum.
    As: Floïd Since 1932 — Masaje Genuino — Mentolado Vigoroso .

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    baldy, MODINE, Mikael and 26 others like this.

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