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01-01-2017, 04:20 PM #1
Sun January 01st- Sat January 07th
Razor: Original Weyer Shulze 864
Brush: Shavemac
Lather: Geo F Trumper Almond
Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel
Nourishing: Clubman
Gents, the first day of the year.
Wishing everyone a prosperous 2017 and that all your shaving dreams may come through.
I also want to thank everyone for their participation in the SOTD as it would not be the same without you guys.
Thanks a million.
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01-01-2017, 04:25 PM #21 January 2017
Wester Bros. No. 20
Tony Miller Heirloom
Semogue 1460 Boar
Stirling Sharp Dressed Man Soap and AS
Happy New Year everyone!-Doug
01-01-2017, 04:26 PM #3
And a Happy New Year to you, too, Max. Thanks for the great work.
Razor: Wacker “Old Sheffield” 7/8 in horn
Strop: Mastro Livi
Brush: Vulfix 377 silvertip
Soap: The Art of Shaving (original)
Balm: Muhle
Finish: Canoe
01-01-2017, 04:28 PM #4
New Year Sunday Shave - H&S Sheffield Razor - Kent Silvertip - I Coloniali SC+ASB
01-01-2017, 04:47 PM #5
First today a newyears swim into the Cold water the noordsea a nice clean had shave.
Wilkinson Se+zondag.
Razorock 24mm
Mountain Man. Stirling.
On the end a hot shower.
01-01-2017, 04:55 PM #6
New years SOTD
Razor: 7/8ths. JA Henckels, Friodur Inox, in Bog Oak.
Strop: SRD Roo.
Cream: TOBS, Ceaderwood.
Brush: Harrywally, in Black Badger.
Post: Pure Glycerin.
AS: St.James, Ceaderwood & Clarysage.
The razor belongs to Tom,(Sharptonn) and was sent to me for a set of new shoes, a lite cleaning, and honed. It was assembled with parts from other members here as well.
The nickle silver rod was from Steve, (Engine 46). The solid brass, domed collar's, were made by Tuzi. (Garrison)
So the collective effort of all three of us combined, has brought forth the first razor of the new year.
[emoji322] HAPPY NEW YEAR [emoji323] everyone.
PS. Tom...I'm thinking your really going to enjoy this edge, I laid it on her.
Super Smmooooth..[emoji18]Last edited by outback; 01-01-2017 at 09:01 PM.
01-01-2017, 04:59 PM #7
Happy New Year to all and thanks a "Million" to you Max!
Thomas Ellin - Vulcan "The Million Razor"
Kanayama strop
Stirling Sandpiper soap
Edwin Jagger badger brush
Thayers Witch Hazel
"Go easy"
01-01-2017, 05:16 PM #8
01-01-2017, 06:31 PM #9Tiger Special 88
Shavemac D01
PannaCrema Labdano Shaving Soap
Guerlain Vetiver Extreme
01-01-2017, 06:49 PM #10
firstr shave in 2017
... have a happy one everybody
soap: StropShoppe Baker Street
brush: Semogue SOC2
razor: ERN ATOR (custom ebony handle)
AS: Old Spice Classic