Results 31 to 40 of 64
09-01-2020, 11:17 PM #31
09-02-2020, 12:01 AM #32Griffon 35
Bone Scales Horn Wedge
Cremo Shave Cream
This model is not as common as the Carbo-Magnetic
In rotation for over three years, sharpened when I bought it. Still sharp.
Wonderful shave.
“Without "Louie Louie" a symphony is not quite so grand.”
― Frank Zappa
09-02-2020, 10:02 AM #33
Razor: Feather AS-D2
Blade: Feather
Brush: Synthetic
Pre-shave: Castle Forbes
Soap: Institute Karite
Balm: OneBlade lavender
Finale: D.R. Harris Albany
09-02-2020, 10:25 AM #34
Wednesday's Shave
Pre: African Black Soap
Brush: Wildwest Brush Works 24mm Cashmere
Razor: Manaslu 205 Straight
Soap: PAA Gondolier
Splash: Skin Bracer
Balm: Bart's Amber and Jasmine
Scent: CK Obsession
09-02-2020, 12:01 PM #35
Another great shave this morning with two great razors. Both my Feather SS Barber’s Razor and my Blackland Vector were both loaded with Feather Super blades, and both delivered my desired VBBS as they swept away the usual MWF lather. I feel refreshed, clean and smoothly velveteen.
RAZOR: Feather SS (Mug), Blackland Vector (Dome)
BLADE: Feather Super AC (Mug & Dome)
PREP: Cold water rinse followed by a scrub with Rabid Banana Preshave Cube
BRUSH: JR Rosewood Silvertip Badger #378
SOAP: Mitchell’s Wool Fat w/ 6 drops of M-Bomb
POSTSHAVE: Cold water wash with brush squeezings followed by Humphreys WH and Osage Rub. Finished with Krampert’s Frostbite AS Splash and Cremo Cooling Post Shave Balm.-Jeff
De Gustibus Non Disputandum (My version of YMMV)
09-02-2020, 01:03 PM #36
Wednesday's Shave
'Fire & Bone'
09-02-2020, 01:46 PM #37
sotd 20200902 Stanlio & Ollio
SOTD 20200902 Stanlio & Ollio
by IschiaPP @ Forio
Meissner Tremonia “Gentle Menthol”
“Minze - Menthol” Rasier Oil (sample) / AfterShave Splash Lotion
Nero Ardesia Luxury Shaving "Guerra di Piero"
Finest Badger HD, 24x55x110mm
Κερκινη V3 by βeecosmetics
Sample by Luc68@ilRasoio
FrankenRazor Katana Light
(Yaqi Single Edge Cobbled Half DE (SCHaDE) / Yaqi RAC 1712 Halo Aluminium)
Personna Platinum Chrome Super Stainless #9
#Shave #WetShaving #WetShavers
#ShaveOfTheDay #ShaveLikeaMan
#ShavingSoap #Test
Full size:
Sting - Fields Of Gold there is a great desire there can be no great difficulty - Niccolò Machiavelli & Me
Greeting from Ischia. Pierpaolo @
09-03-2020, 01:53 AM #38
09-03-2020, 05:41 AM #39
Michael Waterhouse Custom FBU Smiler
Strop Martin J. Rubin 4601 New York
Semogue TSN LE Boar
Tabac Balm
Santa Maria Novella Tabacco Toscana Eau de Cologne“Wherever you’re going never take an idiot with you, you can always find one when you get there.”
09-03-2020, 09:38 AM #40
Razor: F. Schaaf & Co. “Rivoli”
Strop: Tony Miller & Mastro Livi
Brush: Simpsons Persian Jar 3 super
Pre-shave: Castle Forbes
Cream: D.R. Harris
Balm: OneBlade lavender
Finale: Santa Maria Novella