Results 61 to 64 of 64
09-05-2020, 12:25 PM #61
Razor: Meister 6/8
Strop: Tony Miller & Mastro Livi
Brush: Silvertip
Pre-shave: Castle Forbes
Cream: Speik
Balm: OneBlade lavender
Finale: Pinaud Clubman
09-05-2020, 01:41 PM #62
What a glorious morning for an old school shave! I’m really beginning to like this Lush Prince shaving cream. It leaves my mug feeling incredibly good post shave, and I think it’s going to become a keeper for all my straight razor shaves. Unfortunately, it’s too thick for my dome shave with the Colonial General V2. In fact, I wouldn’t recommend it for any safety razor shaver, particularly, cart shavers as it has the consistency of cold cream. But that’s never a problem because of the wonderful MWF lather built with my Jayaruh #372 Boar. I’ve swapped handles between my Silversmith and General, and think I’ll keep things that way.
My son, Ben, gave me two beautiful CKBA Damascus Straight razor’s for Father’s Day this year. He’s an amateur bladesmith who had them made by a master bladesmith operating out of Arizona. The steel measures only a 58-59 on the Rockwell scale, and as the smith himself admitted won’t hold an edge as long as a Sheffield, Solingen or Silver Steel blade will, but since I regularly touch up my straight razors biweekly on my jasper finishing stone, it’s not an issue for me. They both yield a lovely edge that’s a pleasure to shave with.
My shave this morning was awesome. I’ve dedicated a cheap synthetic brush tospread the Lush Prince cream on my mug. It does a much better job than my fingers since it doesn’t lather up as there's no soap in it. My slow three pass (WTG, ATG, XTG) face shave left me firmly ensconced in VBBS land. My one and 1/2 pass (ATG, ATG) noggin MWF shave delivered me to the same destination. When I began my straight razor journey it was with a great deal of trepidation given my mishap 5 yrs ago, but now I’m glad I did. There’s a leisurely, exactingquality to a good straight shave that I’ve really come to enjoy. I feel refreshed, clean, and really velveteen this morning! I wish all my shave brothers and sisters a great day today!
RAZOR: CKBA Damascus Koa Wood Scales 6/8 (Mug), Colonial General V2 Head mounted on Colonial Silversmith Handle (Dome)
BLADE: Feather Super AC (Dome)
PREP: Cold water rinse followed by a scrub with Rabid Banana Preshave Cube (Dome)
BRUSH: JR Custom Boar #372
SOAP/CREAM: Lush Prince Cream (Mug), Mitchell’s Wool Fat (Dome)
POSTSHAVE: Cold water wash with brush squeezings (Dome) followed by Humphrey’s Lilac WH and Osage Rub. Finished with Cremo Cooling Post Shave Balm.-Jeff
De Gustibus Non Disputandum (My version of YMMV)
09-05-2020, 05:24 PM #63
Saturday's Shave
'Feathers & Bones'
09-05-2020, 11:18 PM #64SOTD Sept 5
Heirloom Razor Strop Co. Old No.2
SV Shaving Cadre Brush
RazoRock Plague Doctor Soap and After Shave