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  1. #11
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Two days growth and as much heat wave sweat covered my body. I was desperate. I had only 15 minutes to shower and shave. The only razors within my reach all needed some honing so I grabbed my trusty Wm Greaves & Sons wedge and gave her the old 3x 1/3 on the Norton 4/8 combo unsoaked, but constantly topped with water. Still pulled slightly, but the Omega boar bristle brush knocked out a quick lather in my hand (hand lathering is something new I've been doing) from the TGQ Leatherneck soap I love so well which got massaged right into my face after stropping. Two quick passes and I was actually splashing on the Thayer's Witch Hazel as she came for her kiss on the way out the door. Man, it all happened so fats, but I feel about ten times better now.


  2. #12
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    X I love the sceptical link.

    I was reading the sceptical argument against alien abduction...I was laughing because we used to say this stuff years ago lol.

    When I was an undergrad studying Astronomy, it was a common joke amongst the classmates and professors, that the people who claimed to be abducted and those who believed them never fully grasped physics or E=MC^2 ( how our sun derives its energy through fusion) Hardly any M class planets exist even by using nutation to discover them.

    Luckily for me I switched to English as a major later on but 2 solid years I pressed on with Thermodynamics, and Calculus II. lol

    Ok sounds like a rough shave but a necessary one.
    I've had a few like these.
    I recently took all my razors back to the hones and films, and made them laser sharp, sooo smooth.. sometimes a good honing session is needed to get back to that comfort level.


  3. #13
    Member grimlad's Avatar
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    Style: Afternoon; Face Latherer
    Prep: Hot Shower
    Razor: Dovo Special 6/8"
    Strop: SRD 3" Red Latigo Leather
    Brush: Shavemac 23mm Silvertip
    Soap: Mama Bear's Basil and Lime
    Aftershave: Hot Water Splash; T.N. Dickinson's Witch Hazel; Cold Water Splash

    * 3rd shave with my straight and loving it!

  4. #14
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Another multi-bade shave test extravaganza!

    Hot shower while heating up the GTP Scuttle
    Semogue 730
    Oak & Moss Uberlather
    6/8 American Knife Co on the right
    13/16 Herbertz Solingen on the left
    7/16 W&B with the world's smallest barber notch for the middle
    13/16 George Savage & Sons for the ATG
    Extra lather and cold water scrub
    Witch hazel
    Oak & Moss AS Gel
    Nivea ES AS Balm

    I am re-addicted to Oak & Moss

  5. #15
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Smile Tuesday late morning, day off shave

    A very very relaxing shave since it is my day off...

    the razor: Fillarmonica #14 "Doble Temple" Custom
    the brush: ShaveMac 28mm Silvertip Badger
    the scuttle: GeorgeTown
    the lather: Kiss My Face / Classic Vanilla Uberlather
    the strop: SRD Premium I 25/50
    the shave: WTG, XTG, clean up
    the aftershave: Pinaud Classic Vanilla
    the pic:

    The "NightStalker"

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  6. #16
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    TM Linen/Latigo Strop
    Spanish Point Zowada
    Simpson T2, 2 band
    Speick SC
    Speick AS

  7. #17
    One variable at a time... BennyKing's Avatar
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    6/8 Bengall
    22 mm silvertip
    L'Occitane CADE SS
    L'Occitane CADE AS splash

  8. #18
    Junior Member Mcshaveagain's Avatar
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    Used what in my sig. Used the BB cream and DE ( my wife wanted to shave me) nice and smooth she did 3 WTG passes I guess my trust for her goes a long way.

  9. #19
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    Bit out of the ornery today...

    1. Mehl 7/8 razor
    2. Simpson "I shed hair faster than Robin" brush
    3. Lorenzo Villoresi soap. Interesting stuff: "Scented shaving soap, made of pure vegetable paste, pressed by hand. Outcomes of citrus and green. Peppers and Tuscan spices. Woods of sandal of Mysore, oakmoss, patchouli and vetiver Bourbon. Strength in the form of resins, roots, vegetable mousses and Asian balsams."
    4. Avène Dermo-K against ingrowns. This stuff is da bomb.
    5. Dr Hauschka Facial Tonic and Oil instead of aftershave.
    6. And that's my new SRD strop in the background. Many thanks, Don and Lynn!

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  10. #20
    Senior Member Batmang's Avatar
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    Good Wednesday afternoon all...

    George Wostenholm Celebrated XL
    Trumpers superbadger
    Arko Lemon sc
    Thayers Original WH w/ aloe
    Floid Vigoroso
    Arko Citrus after shave cream
    Alt Innsbruck Edc

    After a morning of painting the kitchen, a bit of relief with the shave of the day

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