Prep - hot water/washcloth
Strop - VB 2" web/latigo 100/100
Brush - WS boar
Cream - C.O. Bigelow
Razor - all SS Wapi (my great SRP give-away gift!)
AS - Aqua Velva (which I like, but my wife detests...go figure)
ASB - Nivea Extreme
Post Shave Read - Grapes of Wrath

Last night's shave may have been the very best yet. I'd had some trouble working with the Wapi earlier - I felt that I wasn't able to get a smooth feeling from the edge and because the grind is stiff, it was hard to get some of the tell tale feedback...clearly my technique, not the razor. But recently I've been working on some major stropping improvement and after doing a double duty strop with quicker strokes the razor went through the usual three passes and was smooth as silk. No weepers/burns/ face has that "covered in liquid gold" feeling. Fanastic!
