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  1. #41
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    Razor: Tsugeru Kanetaka S2
    Brush: MM9278 Cocobolo Short
    Cream: Alraz the Atom Bomb Bayrum
    AS: Alraz Bayrum
    AS: Pinaud Clubman Lotion

  2. #42
    GUNG-HO FOR GENCOS thewatermark's Avatar
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    Prep: Hot shower followed by Robeson Method prep
    Razor: Dovo Bismarck
    Brush: No name Badger Brush
    Soap: Uberlather with Col conk Bayrum and C.O. Bigelow
    Astringent: Thayer's Lemon
    Balm: Nivea Sensitive
    After Shave: Clubman not so Vanilla
    Cologne: Cool Water
    Result: Still working on BBS but best shave Ive had so far!
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  3. #43
    Senior Member Hogrider's Avatar
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    Cool Pinaud


    I also have it in my permanent rotation. The scent reminds me when I used to have my hair cut by my barber when I was just a kid. Old time barbershop scent. Enjoy and Shave on. HOG

  4. #44
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Default Tuesday's Shave

    Prep: Hot shower--followed by Robeson beard prep method
    Brush: Simpsons “Tulip” T2
    SC: Castle Forbes (Lime)
    Strop: Vintage Blades 3” Red Latigo--50 fabric; 50 leather
    Razor: 5/8" Joseph Allen
    Astringent: Alum block
    ASB: Chanel (Paris) “Pour Monsieur” moisturizer
    Cologne: Acqua di Parma
    Result: Cloud Nine!
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    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  5. #45
    Senior Member tat2Ralfy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hogrider View Post

    I also have it in my permanent rotation. The scent reminds me when I used to have my hair cut by my barber when I was just a kid. Old time barbershop scent. Enjoy and Shave on. HOG
    Its a wonderful scent, not overpowering but fresh and masculine, Mrs Ralfy likes it a lot too, and as an aftershave splash it leaves my skin feeling great, my only critique is that it doesn't last all day, I have a vintage atomizer on route from your side of the pond that is destined to serve as a mid afternoon topper upper.

    P.s are you sure we are not the same person? ..hahaha

  6. #46
    Senior Member Yorkie's Avatar
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    Prep: Hot shower followed by hot flannel to face
    Razor: St. & Co. Square point with notch
    Hone: 200 strokes on a lightly oiled Charnley Forest
    Brush: Great-great grand-dad's boar (no name)
    Soap: Edwin Jagger Sandalwood
    Balm: Nivea Sensitive
    After Shave: Boots Bay Rum
    Result: Nice CCS, best result with this razor so far. No soreness or burn.
    Notes: Got to keep an eye on that point, very close to nicking ear...

    Didn't go full out for a BBS, quite happy with a CCS as I was a bit sore the last time I used this razor (wasn't quite shave ready) and had to finish off with a TI. This time no problem at all - very happy with the result.
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  7. #47
    Senior Member Sailinblues's Avatar
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    Name:  P1000487.JPG
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    Rooney Heritage Victorian
    T&H Rose SC
    Thos. Turner & Co. "Encore"~~Thanks Ivan!
    SRD Paddle Strop--30 on the Premium 1
    Humphreys Witch Hazel
    The Refinery ASB
    Marc Jacobs EDT
    Have a Great Night~~

  8. #48
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yorkie View Post
    Prep: Hot shower followed by hot flannel to face
    Razor: St. & Co. Square point with notch
    Hone: 200 strokes on a lightly oiled Charnley Forest
    Brush: Great-great grand-dad's boar (no name)
    Soap: Edwin Jagger Sandalwood
    Balm: Nivea Sensitive
    After Shave: Boots Bay Rum
    Result: Nice CCS, best result with this razor so far. No soreness or burn.
    Notes: Got to keep an eye on that point, very close to nicking ear...

    Didn't go full out for a BBS, quite happy with a CCS as I was a bit sore the last time I used this razor (wasn't quite shave ready) and had to finish off with a TI. This time no problem at all - very happy with the result.

    A nice looking razor with a unique colorful tang. Where and how did you acquire it?
    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  9. #49
    Senior Member Hogrider's Avatar
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    Cool Tues, Feb 9 evening shave

    Prep>>Hot shower followed by Proraso preshave cream. My usual WAX pattern passes with a hot water rinse in between; concluding with a cold water face wash. See my post in this thread for an illustration. I believe is number 8.
    Razor>>Henckels 7/8 INOX in rosewood handles spanish point. This is a phenomenal shaver. I have been shaving for months and as yet I have not honed it nor have I stropped it in CrOx.
    Soap>>Vintage Blades Lavender in wooden bowl
    Brush>>Vulfix hog hair. The Strand
    Astringent>>Thayers Lemon
    AS>>Kenneth Cole. Diluted with water. Mrs Hog says is too strong.
    Results>>BBS and loving it. Shave On.

    Footnote: I am posting my big brother Bo's e-mail to me. Don't worry his bark is worse than his bite. He is into this Mensa know puzzles and what not and I am always picking his brains. This is also in reference to my Sunday Feb 7th post number 8.
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    Last edited by Hogrider; 02-11-2010 at 12:10 AM.

  10. #50
    Senior Member Yorkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jhenry View Post

    A nice looking razor with a unique colorful tang. Where and how did you acquire it?
    I happened across this razor while I present shopping for my partners birthday. I was told of an antiques centre by a mate which was selling cut-throats for a tenner apiece (about $15) so I paid them a visit. Was pretty lucky as the stall holder was just opening up (most of the centre was closed, only this one chap had a few stalls open downstairs). I asked him if he had any straights and he produced a tray with about seven on. Most were pretty worn, all were in the wrong boxes (one was a Puma box but no Puma was inside ). There was also a Bengal with horrific hone wear.

    This one took my interest because of the tang and the square notch point. Also it was in very good condition although tarnished. I bough one other which was a Solingen travel razor.

    I have absolutely no idea on the history of this razor or the manufacturer. It is however a nice shaver and a pretty razor.

    Thanks for the interest.
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