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  1. #1
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    Thumbs up SOTD - Sun Feb 07th - Sat Feb 13th

    Location: 36° 10' 25.3416" - 115° 20' 33.198"
    Razor: kamisori
    Brush: Simpson Chubby 2 - 28/55
    Cream: Proraso
    Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel
    A/S Balm: Aqua Velva
    A/S Splash: Aqua Velva + 444 gel
    Result: refreshing and bbs.

    əˌfisyəˈnädō | pərˈfekSH(ə)nəst | eS'prəSSo | düvəl ləvər

  2. #2
    Senior Member tat2Ralfy's Avatar
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    Absolutely awesome Sir Max

  3. #3
    . Otto's Avatar
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    Default Sunday

    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: Martinez' Custom: Chess King
    Soap: Mama Bear Aged Spice
    Strop: Tony Miller Heirloom tri-strop
    Razor: Wade & Butcher 8/8 "For Barbers Use"
    ASB: Mama Bear winter Aged Spice

    Soundtrack: Anne-Sophie Mutter - Beethoven
    Great, relaxing, slow BBS shave!

    "Cheap Tools Is Misplaced Economy. Always buy the best and highest grade of razors, hones and strops. Then you are prepared to do the best work."
    - Napoleon LeBlanc, 1895

  4. #4
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    Default Sunday

    Blade: Dovo Special
    Brush: Shavemac 23mm in Pure
    Lather: Dr. Harris Arlington Soap
    Astringent: Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    Moisturizer: Dr. Harris AS Milk
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  5. #5
    Bon Viveur dannywonderful's Avatar
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    Beautiful Sunday shave today and my first shave with the Henckels.

    Pre-shave: Founders Reserve Mandarin & Patchouli Pre-shave Oil

    Brush: Kent BK4

    Lather: Taylor of Old Bond Street - Mr Taylor cream

    Razor: J.A. Henckels TWIN 5/8"

    Post-shave: Geo F. Trumper - Sandalwood Skin Food

    Scent: Geo F. Trumper - Eucris e.d.t.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Merkur 42
    Nana June's Citrus Wake Up SS
    Surrey Badge
    English Leather AS Laced With Peppercorns

  7. #7
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Default SOTD SUN FEB 07th

    First off I would like to thank everyone for showing of their fantastic razors and inspiring people to raise the bar in the shaving experience. I shaved with a straight for years and never thought of it any more than I would any other way to shave. I stuck with str8ts because it was easy to sharpen and the camo paint would not clog like a regular store bought razors. I spent many a morning waking up in dimly lighted forests and junlges lighting an Indian fire and heating up a cup of coffee while warming my feet. After my coffee I would heat some water and scrape my narly mug with an old case wedge that I picked up somewhere years ago and bug juice (it was really oily.. also made your lips go numb….I will probably have a finger nail growing out of my back from that stuff). A while back I decided to ebay some of my razors and look for new ones (thereby finding out about you guys…..who at the time I thought was a little weird for obsessing about razors…Sorry, I was wrong). This, ironically coincided with me linking up with my father again after years of traveling the world and the living the Soldiers dream . He was a crusty old retired Soldier also who was on the last legs of a relatively short life. He had finally slowed down and was learning to enjoy the little things in life…A good meal…Cup of coffee brewed to perfection, and a good shave. Before he left this world he imparted on me the wisdom in finding pleasure in these simple tasks. I have embraced these simple ideals and found that my stress level is has lessened, my chi is solid and I get more pleasure out of the little things in life. I am already working on imparting this simple (yet highly rewarding) concept to my son…So with no further ado….My shave of the day:

    Shave oil AOS..I am thinking about switching to Truehill though
    A/S Vegatal
    Razor GOTTA 120…An underestimated razor in my book. This razor has been in the rotation for a long time and still holds it’s own against my Dovo and old Timor Special. It holds a smoking edge!
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Hogrider's Avatar
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    Cool Superbowl Sunday, Feb 7 Shave

    Prep>>Hot Shower then Proraso preshave cream, for the first pass....oh heck!... since "a picture says a thousand words" attached is an illustration of my shaving passes in a WAX pattern. Got a hold of some passport pictures and drew some lines thats all.
    Razor>>Henckels 8/8 square point INOX...magnificent blade. It took off the three day stubble growth like knife cutting soft butter. Stropped 30/30 in SRD red latigo and 30 laps before storage.
    Cream>>Trufitt & Hill Grafton
    Brush>>Omega hog bristle.
    Astringent>>Thayers Lemon
    AS>> Italian Floid.
    Music>>Iko-Iko Shine. Blues Band.

    Footnote: BBS Shave. Have a wonderful Superbowl Sunday.
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    Last edited by Hogrider; 02-07-2010 at 11:04 PM.

  9. #9
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Default Super Bowl Sunday

    Prep: Hot shower--followed by Robeson beard prep method
    Brush: Simpsons “Polo 8”
    SC: Al’s “Bomb” (Cedar)
    Strop: No strop today. Razor shave ready--courtesy of Lynn Abrams, via Vintage Blades, LLC
    Razor: 6/8” Thiers-Issard "Le Grelot", w/ Blond Horn scales. Recommended by Jim Ayars. Thanks Jim!
    Astringent: Alum block
    ASB: J & E Atkinsons’ I Coloniali
    Cologne: J & E Atkinsons’ I Coloniali
    Result: Bye, bye beard…Hello world!
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    Last edited by jhenry; 02-07-2010 at 02:29 PM.
    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  10. #10
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    Mug: Old Spice
    Brush: Rosewood/Silvertip Badger by Parker Safety Razors
    Soap: Homemade Goats Milk "Vanilla/Sandalwood"
    Razor: 6/8 C.W. Schuddig
    Strop: 3" Red Latigo by VintageBladesLLC
    Aftershave: Clubman/Pinaud "Classic Vanilla"
    Results: BBS (my first)
    Name:  cwshuddig.jpg
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