Results 201 to 210 of 272
09-24-2010, 12:09 PM #201
15/16 Henckels Friodur
D.R. Harris Marlborough
Crabtree & Evelyn Pure Badger
RazoRock Alum
Aqua Velva Classic Ice Blue
Creed Original Vetiver EdT
Great pics gentlemen!!Last edited by mbeem; 09-24-2010 at 03:44 PM.
09-24-2010, 12:26 PM #202F.W. Engles Special | Kanayama | SCS New Spice + CarrieM Sandalwood + Glycerin | Shavemac Silvertip | CarrieM AS Milk | Montale Black Aoud
This was a big shave for me today because it was my first with a razor that I honed. I picked up this Engels for what everyone tells me was an obscenely low price. She's in excellent condition but her scales need to be repeened because they are loose. I started her on a Naniwa 1k to set my bevel and followed that with some circles and X-strokes on a Norton 4k then the same on the Norton 8k. I finished it with 50 laps using water only on a Coticule. Finally she got 15 turns using diamond spray on hard pressed felt, 40 turns on my Premium I paddle and this morning she got 50 linen and 100 leather on the Kanayama. This was my first attempt at honing, so I wasn't expecting the world and even stropped up a back-up just in case. In the end, she gave a very nice smooth shave. I don't pretend to be even remotely hone literate after a single attempt, but the fact that I could get a BBS shave with 3 passes and no knicks or cuts says that I must have done something right (or else it proves that even a blind squirrel can get a nut every once in a while)!
What a way to wind down the work week. Great pictures/shaves this week, gentlemen and thank you for letting me share!
09-24-2010, 12:31 PM #203
I tried Uber lather. Not sure if im doing it right but felt good. BBS
Tony miller strop
ERN Spike razor
Puck soap Jasmine with TOBS Lemon/lime Glycerin
Thayers Witch hazel
Skin food
09-24-2010, 12:34 PM #204
09-24-2010, 12:36 PM #205“If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)
09-24-2010, 12:38 PM #206
Thanks, JoeD! I really owe a great thanks to Karen, Dylan and Matt who were giving me tips, and answering my inane questions about what the heck I was doing with these rocks, in the chat! That's what I love about this forum, the people are so generous of their time and experience!
09-24-2010, 01:16 PM #207
Hi Jeff,
Depends...I always use a tripod, so setup can take a bit of time. But, sometimes it's off the cuff (less setup, but with tripod). If I have a super busy schedule, I pre-take the photos the evening before (knowing what I want to shave with). This is what I prefer anyway since I can often play with Photoshop to do some of the effects you guys see in the photos (you will soon see some more tutorials...I have not forgotten. Been super busy). The post/content comes after the shave (obviously...since I don't know what kind of shave I will have)
I have never taken mine in the shave den (don't know why)'s usually on the kitchen counter or dining table or wherever. You gotta play around and see what works.
09-24-2010, 01:25 PM #208
Congratulations Bill...this is a great achievement and milestone. This blade will attain a special value in your life. Great honing.
Joe is absolutely righton both counts; 1) feeling of success, and 2) the HAD associated with honing. Be careful though...or it can become a very expensive hobby
09-24-2010, 01:27 PM #209
09-24-2010, 01:27 PM #210
Sadly, I already developed a touch of the HAD prior to using any hones. I've got my basic load of DMT 325, 1k, and 4k/8k. I've also picked up the coticule, vintage thuri, and two Jnats... Now I can start to play with them and learn the stones!