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  1. #251
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Post Week of September 19 SOTD - Saturday

    Pre-Shave: Hot shower
    Music: Chris Botti, "What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life (Feat. Sting)"
    Razor: 4/8" S.R. Droescher, Full Hollow, Spike Point
    Strop: SRD Premium IV (55 linen/75 leather)
    Brush: 23mm Shavemac Silvertip Badger
    Überlather: CarrieM Dragon's Blood Shave Creme + Mama Trade Winds Shave Soap + Glycerin
    Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel (Rose Petal, no alcohol)
    Moisturizer: D.R. Harris Arlington AS Milk
    AS Splash: D.R. Harris Arlington AS
    Result: Going from using the 15/16" Filarmonica (yesterday) to using the 4/8" Droescher is quite an adjustment. But, not disappointing...this little blade packs quite a punch. Despite getting a very clean shave, I felt the slightest pull. So, the edge will be refreshed using the Coticule followed by the Escher and the Maruka Kiita/Asagi JNat. This honing thing is beginning to metamorphose into a very interesting experiment in the making. Me like like it a lot! But then again, after ~14 or so honing practices, and one "overhauled" blade - or rather makeover - to remind me of where I really am - it is a rather satisfying felling to shave with an instrument which you personally sharpened and polished.

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    May you have a nice and relaxing Saturday .

  2. #252
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Mappin & Webb are amazing razors. I got one for only 8 Euro. After cleaning and honing it becomes one of my favorized razors.
    Congrats, Mikael.

  3. #253
    CTHULHU FHTAGN! mbeem's Avatar
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    5/8 Garland Cutlery Improved Eagle
    Mitchell's Wool Fat
    Kent B&B LE 09
    RazoRock Alum
    Lustray Spice
    Mama Bear's Ye Olde Barbershoppe EdC

    Great pics gentlemen!

  4. #254
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    Saturday, 9.25.10

    A shave of favorites..

    Aura Glow as a Pre Shave Oil
    Mitchell's Wool Fat
    Simpson's Colonel X2L in 2 band Super .. The Ehsan
    Weyersberg Corneta 078 ½
    SRD Premium I Strop .. 50 Linen/90 Leather
    Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    Nivea AS Balm
    Pinaud's Lime Sec

    Finally home once again after two weeks of running dogs in the beautiful Adirondack mountains of northern New York. The season for Ruffed Grouse opened the 20th, and we worked a fair number of birds... Not in numbers we used to see, but we were out for the love of the sport, not to harvest.
    Pictured are some of the basic "tools of the trade," a 20' checkcord and a whistle lanyard for long range communication. This particular lanyard, a truly gorgeous creation, was handmade for me in the colors of the Gordon, Black & Tan, by my friend Larry Smith, The Knotsmith in Texas. This is a kind of ceremonial piece, not the knockabout I generally use everyday, but it looks great in photos! All pictured on an old Christmas issue of The American Field, the bible of those who run Sporting Dogs...

    The shave, after 2 weeks of feeling like Grizzly Adams, felt great! I grabbed for all my favorites. I no longer look like my only hero in life, Noah John Rondeau, The Hermit of Long Lake, but now feel once again like Sir William, Servant to the Court of King Arthur, ready, willing and able to sally forth into the night and punish the guilty!

    Anyway... on to the shave!

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    Last edited by BlacknTan; 09-25-2010 at 02:43 PM.

  5. #255
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Nice Mapping Mikael . But man, they are unforgiving (not just this blade, every str8 out there) and want your 100% attention..otherwise, they let you know.
    Thank you Robert! Yes, very true and it´s one of the things that´s nice with them, you´ve to give it your best each time - if not

  6. #256
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by BlacknTan View Post
    Saturday, 9.25.10

    A shave of favorites..

    Aura Glow as a Pre Shave Oil
    Mitchell's Wool Fat
    Simpson's Colonel X2L in 2 band Super .. The Ehsan
    Weyersberg Corneta 078 ½
    SRD Premium I Strop .. 50 Linen/90 Leather
    Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    Nivea AS Balm
    Pinaud's Lime Sec

    Finally home once again after two weeks of running dogs in the beautiful Adirondack mountains of northern New York. The season for Ruffed Grouse opened the 20th, and we worked a fair number of birds... Not in numbers we used to see, but we were out for the love of the sport, not to harvest.
    Pictured are some of the basic "tools of the trade," a 20' checkcord and a whistle lanyard for long range communication. This particular lanyard, a truly gorgeous creation, was handmade for me in the colors of the Gordon, Black & Tan, by my friend Larry Smith, The Knotsmith in Texas. This is a kind of ceremonial piece, not the knockabout I generally use everyday, but it looks great in photos! All pictured on an old Christmas issue of The American Field, the bible of those who run Sporting Dogs...

    The shave, after 2 weeks of feeling like Grizzly Adams, felt great! I grabbed for all my favorites. I no longer look like my only hero in life, Noah John Rondeau, The Hermit of Long Lake, but now feel once again like Sir William, Servant to the Court of King Arthur, ready, willing and able to sally forth into the night and punish the guilty!

    Anyway... on to the shave!

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    Great to have you back Bill. Doesn't the face/skin feel a little virgin after 2 weeks of relaxation ? But that first BBS smooth shave after this time must have been something.

  7. #257
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    iKon Deluxe Bulldog
    Personna Red Pack
    Omega Boar
    Gillette Cool Wave AS

  8. #258
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=BladeRunner001;662730]Very nice Bill...How do you like your Creed? I am thinking about getting myself a couple...Himalaya, White Mountain White or Tabarome Millisime.

    I like them a lot. If you'd like, I can send you a decant. I have both GIT and Royal Delight.

  9. #259
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LegalBeagle View Post
    I like them a lot. If you'd like, I can send you a decant. I have both GIT and Royal Delight.
    Sounds great Bill...I would appreciate it.

    GIT is Green Irisch Tweed?

  10. #260
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    Sounds great Bill...I would appreciate it.

    GIT is Green Irisch Tweed?
    Hai. Green Irish Tweed desu. I will get them out in the mail Monday. Can you PM me your mailing address again.

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