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  1. #261
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    No shave today, just some Cade ASB!

  2. #262
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Post Week of January 2 SOTD - Saturday

    Pre-Shave: Hot shower
    Brush: 26mm Simpson "Chubby #1", Silvertip Badger
    Razor: 7/8" Solingen Stainless (Friodur Blank), 1/4 Hollow, Round Point
    Strop: 50/60 (Torolf linen/Premium IV leather)
    Soap/Überlather: Acca Kappa "1869" Shave Creme + Acca Kappa "1869" Shave Soap + Glycerin
    Toner: Thayer's Witch Hazel (Rose Petal, no alcohol)
    Moisturizer: Trumper's Fragrance-free Moisturizer
    After Shave: Floïd Italian Blue + NancyBoy Replenishing AS gel
    Cologne: Acca Kappa "1869" EdC
    Results: This AM, I am taking advantage of the fact that the kids are still asleep to put in a good shave. The order of business is with the Acca Kappa software and the 1/4 hollow Solingen Steel/Simpson hardware. The überlicious lather of the Acca Kappa was great. The initial consistency of the soap is not great at the beginning and it makes the lather look like spoiled milk, but once this baby is whipped up for 60+ seconds or so, the stability and uniformity improve dramatically and it transforms into a wonderful and creamy lather. The past few time that I have used the Solingen, I have gotten wonderful shaves off her edge, but for some reason the ultimate edge was elusive until last night. I took this baby to the hones with two layers of tape and used the Dilucot method to dial in the sharpness on my "La Grosse Blanche" Coticule. I stayed with this stone until the edge really popped hairs evenly across the edge of this blade. Subsequent polishing and finishing on the Asagi with a Nagura/Tomonagura progression pushed the edge of the envelope on sharpness/keenness. I am one happy customer . I am now at a point that I can somewhat tell how each of my steels (well...most of them) behave on the hones and which hones they prefer...and they each have their quirks and personalities that need special attention. This blade was not an easy one to figure out on the stones, but I have figured out her preference (I hope). The shave I got from her was phenomenal. This baby delivered a "smooth as butter" shave . With her heft and with the help of gravity alone, she did all the work with virtually no help, except directional guidance, from yours truly....Another fantastic shave for the books.

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    Now, it's time to wake the kids for some fun and games...with breakfast of the champions (Pancakes is what the kings and queen have requested).

    Have a FABULOUS Saturday guys.

    PS: it seems like we have a SPAM post in our midst.

  3. #263
    Senior Member blabbermouth nicknbleeding's Avatar
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    Ok thats strange. I posted a Thank you for everone kind words and its missing. I also post a comment on Roberts post and that is missing also.

  4. #264
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Cool Thistle Shave

    I just finished the restore on this baby this morning and honed her up

    Now, I tell ya, you can all talk all ya want about natural stones, and sometimes you can even get me to agree on some of it...
    But give me a NY USA razor, and a full set of Shapton GS stones and Brother they make the smoothest edge possible.... a true one pass velvet squeegee if they ever was one...

    Test shaved this one for my personal collection this morning using a simple lather on the face Prairie Creations Tahitian Amber Tallow soap with my Col. Conk pure badger nothing special there, but OMG I didn't even need a second pass one WTG grain and a cold water beard line touch up, and I was done, even along the side of my Adam's apple, which is my personal BBS killer spot, is smooth.... Finished off the shave with my New Christmas Balm from the Wifey,,, Bvlgari "Man" what a fantastic morning...

    Other then the busted pipe out in the shop that flooded it last night, but that is another story

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  5. #265
    Bow Fishing Now ! blugill's Avatar
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    Beautiful, Simply Beautiful Glen !

  6. #266
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Default Arbolito SOTD

    Very impessive job by looking at everyones posts and comments, Gents! I offer my complements!

    I finally had time to take my Christmas present, this big old Arbolito, to the stones last week and ran it this AM. I love the weekend shaves as I can take my time and deviate from the "daily wedge"! I wanted this razor as I knew from past experience that my Friodurs were the only extreme concave that held up decently to my tough beard. Man, What a nice rattly shave! Smooth and sweet! I think it's a keeper! Have a great Day!
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  7. #267
    CTHULHU FHTAGN! mbeem's Avatar
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    Razor: 7/8 Joseph Elliot
    Brush: "Clint" super badger
    Soap/Cream: Williams + KMF Unscented
    Aftershave: RazoRock Alum / Tayers / AV Classic Ice Blue

    Great pics gents!!

  8. #268
    Senior Member Batmang's Avatar
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    Saturday 1/8/11

    Wade & Butcher The Celebrated 13/16
    New Forest 2211
    Coates Sandalwood sc
    Thayers Original WH w/ aloe
    Speick a/s
    Musgo Real a/s balsam
    GFT Spanish Leather Edt

    After a week of not shaving (been sick with an awful cold) I decided to attack my modest beard growth with the heaviest razor I have, a full wedge W&B that is probably 125 years old. (It feels very special to me to use a tool that was crafted so long ago.) I always have to be careful stropping with that razor due to it's weight as it could be easy for me to make a mistake and nick my strop...been there done that already. I resorted to the original Coates cream because it always delivers a great lather and did so again today. The W&B just cut through the hairs almost as if they were not even there. I hardly felt it at all. What a terrific shave! A second pass and a few small touch ups and I think it is one of my two best straight razor shaves ever. Wow! I had to finish with the Musgo Real and the Spanish Leather just to make it just about perfect. And today will be better than yesterday.

  9. #269
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Default Saturday

    Prep: Hot shower--followed by Robeson bay rum beard prep method…
    Simpsons Polo 8 “Super Badger”
    MWF + J M Fraser’s = “Superlather”
    5/8 Bismark “Barber’s Special”
    Thayer’s Lemon Witch Hazel w/ Aloe Vera
    Nivea for Men “Extreme Comfort”
    Booster “Polar Ice”
    A great shave…

    J M. Fraser's is a shaving cream that is frequently overlooked, even by me. That's a mistake. Its a great shaving cream and a great value. A 1 lb jar only costs about sixteen bucks. This is truly a world class cream that whips up into a rich lubricating batch of lather.

    My trusty Bismark had begun to pull a bit, so I gave it a good stropping this morning, using the diamond sprayed hard felt and rough leather of my SRD paddle strop. Wowzer! That razor became scary sharp. I cut myself for the very first time in my admittedly short straight razor career--2x, in fact. Ouch! I made the mistake of applying a bit too much pressure of the blade against my face and chin. I won't make that mistake again with this razor.
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    Last edited by jhenry; 01-08-2011 at 07:47 PM.
    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  10. #270
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    [Table]Pre-Shave: Hot shower
    Brush: 26mm Simpson "Chubby #1", Silvertip Badger
    Razor: 7/8" Solingen Stainless (Friodur Blank), 1/4 Hollow, Round Point
    Strop: 50/60 (Torolf linen/Premium IV leather)
    Soap/Überlather: Acca Kappa "1869" Shave Creme + Acca Kappa "1869" Shave Soap + Glycerin
    Toner: Thayer's Witch Hazel (Rose Petal, no alcohol)
    Moisturizer: Trumper's Fragrance-free Moisturizer
    After Shave: Floïd Italian Blue + NancyBoy Replenishing AS gel
    Cologne: Acca Kappa "1869" EdC

    Yes indeed! It appears that you had a great shave this A.M. How is that Accca Kappa cologne?

    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    I just finished the restore on this baby this morning and honed her up
    That's a nice looking restore Glen. Congrats!

    It sounds like its pretty cold in your neck of the woods.

    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    I wanted this razor as I knew from past experience that my Friodurs were the only extreme concave that held up decently to my tough beard. Man, What a nice rattly shave! Smooth and sweet! I think it's a keeper!

    Glad to hear that you got what you wanted for Christmas. She's a real beauty.

    Quote Originally Posted by mbeem View Post
    Razor: 7/8 Joseph Elliot
    Brush: "Clint" super badger
    Soap/Cream: Williams + KMF Unscented
    Aftershave: RazoRock Alum / Thayers / AV Classic Ice Blue

    Love your Elliot. It looks like a sweet shaver.

    Quote Originally Posted by Batmang View Post
    Wade & Butcher The Celebrated 13/16
    New Forest 2211
    Coates Sandalwood sc
    Thayers Original WH w/ aloe
    Speick a/s
    Musgo Real a/s balsam
    GFT Spanish Leather Edt

    Sorry to hear that you've been under the weather. Your shave today ought to serve as a pick up. BTW...How is that Coates shaving cream?
    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

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