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Thread: Sun April 3rd - Sat April 9th

  1. #1
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Sun April 3rd - Sat April 9th

    Location: 36° 0'5"N - 115° 15' 21"W
    Razor: Ern 4627
    Brush: Simpson Chubby 2
    Creme: Castle Forbes Lime
    Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel
    AS: Booster Lime
    EDC: Hollister SoCal
    Summary: With the early spring vibes, a gorgeous sunny day in Vegas, I had to grab for something refreshing. Lime it was. CF and Booster never disappoint. Ended the night with a refreshing pitcher of frozen margarita! (after the shave off course)
    Have a great week, gents!

    əˌfisyəˈnädō | pərˈfekSH(ə)nəst | eS'prəSSo | düvəl ləvər

  2. #2
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Good morning friends.
    I wish you a beautiful and sunny sunday.
    Yesterday and today we had/have here in Germany Harley-weather.
    I start my day with this shave:

    soap: Calani
    brush: Muehle
    razor: H-Diamond
    AS: Old Spice

    Ride safe!

  3. #3
    Senior Member fonthunter's Avatar
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    Default SODT -- Sunday

    Good morning Friends!

    PREP: Proraso Preshave Cream
    BRUSH: 23 mm MÜHLE synthetic fibre
    SOAP/CREAM: La Maison du Barbier Soap
    SCUTTLE: Georgetown Pottery Scuttle
    STROP: Kanayama Cordovan #30000
    RAZOR: Thiers Issard Le Canadien
    SHAVE: 2 passes, WTG / XTG
    EDT: L'occitane Vetyver
    RESULT: Great shave (BBS)

    Have a nice week
    Last edited by fonthunter; 04-03-2011 at 08:39 AM.
    Life is like a cup of tea... it's all in how you make it...

  4. #4
    . Otto's Avatar
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    Default Sunday

    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: Martinez' Custom: Chess King w/ 26mm silver tip badger
    Soap: Mama Bear's Ye Olde Barbershoppe
    Strop: Tony Miller Heirloom tri-strop (3x25)
    Razor: Mastro Livi 8/8 Bergam Damascus in Mammoth Ivory Scales
    ASB: Caswell-Massey Newport
    soundtrack: Anne-Sophie Mutter: Beethoven

    Nice shave. Have a great week.

    "Cheap Tools Is Misplaced Economy. Always buy the best and highest grade of razors, hones and strops. Then you are prepared to do the best work."
    - Napoleon LeBlanc, 1895

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Default Sunday morning

    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: Simpson Chubby 2
    Razor: C V Heljestrand B K 42
    Soap: Nannys Eucalyptus
    AS: ROMA
    Strops: Neil Miller
    Result: Very, very clean

    Wow, these swedes are sharp and this one is heavy enough to get you a good scrubbing if not light on hand. Very nice shave!!

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Muhle R89 + Feather | Semogue Custom Boar | Bomb Potomac | Sabon | Montale Oud Cuir d'Arabie

    The shave was excellent, even though it was far too early in the morning for a Sunday!

    Yesterday I received a very generous gift from Frank (FBones24)--Sabon Aftershave from Israel. So, today I got to try out a new product, and it was very nice! The scent of white tea oil and chamomile soothes while the product leaves the face soft and moisturized. A very nice quality product!

  7. #7
    Lookin like a crim baldy's Avatar
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    Default Sunday Night

    Location: Coffs Harbour Australia
    Strop: A H Christian Vintage Strop
    Brush: Comoy Badger
    Soap: Proraso
    Razor: Simmon's Barber's Pet 5/8
    Astringent: Thayer's Rose Petal Witch Hazel
    Balm: Nivea Replenishing
    A/S: David Craig Bay Rum
    Its Been a busy weekend. My son Jack turned 4 today and my daughter Lilly turns 6 tomorrow. We had a combined party for them on Saturday, everyone had a great time, It was a good day.
    A nice 3 pass BBS shave was a perfect way to wind down for the night.
    Hope all you gentlemen have had a good weekend, i look forward to seeing all your posts during the week
    GrantName:  bp.JPG
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    "I aint like that no wife, she cured me of drinking and wickedness"
    Clint Eastwood as William Munny in Unforgiven

  8. #8
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Today's Shave
    Hot Shower.
    Warm Oil.
    Dirty Bird Scuttle.
    Custom Badger Brush.
    Signature Series Shave Soap.
    Gillette Fat Boy, feather blade.
    Thayers Rose Petal
    Nivea After shave balm

    Last edited by Mvcrash; 04-03-2011 at 11:06 AM. Reason: Added Picture
    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
    Albert Einstein

  9. #9
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Default Sunday noon

    I love a slow paced Sunday shave.

    Prep: Warm shower
    Cream: Alraz Shaving cream, Palermo
    Brush: Merkur Futur Silvertip
    Razor: Tim Zowada 7/8 Damascus in Cocobolo, Spanish point
    Astringent: Thayer's medicated whitch hazel
    ASB: Penhaligon's Opus 1870
    EdT: Penhaligon's Opus 1870

    Name:  SOTD-03-04-11-1.jpg
Views: 1688
Size:  64.1 KB

    Soundtrack: Edith Piaf, Au Carnegie Hall.
    Have a great week Gentlemen!
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  10. #10
    Senior Member fonthunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Birnando View Post
    Razor: Tim Zowada 7/8 Damascus in Cocobolo, Spanish point
    Soundtrack: Edith Piaf, Au Carnegie Hall.
    Love that razor, Birnando!

    thewatermark and Birnando like this.
    Life is like a cup of tea... it's all in how you make it...

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