Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
Nice Puma...How do you like the Pré de Provence?
From experience I've learnt never to judge a soap from the first shave/lather

I would say the following however, as a first observation:

Scent first of all and it doesn't seem that much of a sage scent to me. There's definitely something herbal in there, but I wouldn't call it sage. I have sage growing in my garden and know the sage scent quite well! Nonetheless, it's not a bad scent. Bit of citrus and something herbal, not too sweet and not too bitter. It reminds me of Edwin Jagger's Aloe Vera soap/scent, perhaps a little stronger.

Lather was pretty good and I was quite impressed. The soap is strange in texture - it looks like it could almost be see-through! Bit of water over the top while I washed my face and did my hot towel ritual and it was good to lather up. A few swirls and it lathered up quite well. Applied the lather to my face and it was very moisturising and slick.

I used my freshly-stropped-on-pastes Puma razor, which gave me no irritation whatsoever. Second pass for good measure and it again was irritation-free. Cold rinse and applied a light balm and my face is smooth as a brand new tub of butter.

So far so good and I hope to test this over the weeks to come.