Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
Very nice shot and shave. I really like that bowl (fabulous colors). It has character. The Ogallala Bay Rum + Limes & Peppercorn is nice, eh?
I love it, one of my top 5 AS:s and it´s dirt cheap for you guys

Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
What a smooth edge and an amazing shave...and this was just with the 12k. I can only imagine what taking this to the 30k (which I do not have) would have done.

Those are my favourite stones and the edges I get from Neil are stupied nice. We did a test once, where he honed several blades on different finishing hones (a Japanes natrual, a Y/G Esher and Shapton pros) and I liked the ones best that had been honed on all the way on the Shaptons. It was never a question about that result for me.

Edited: You don´t allways need to go all the way to 30k, often 16k is enough, as I understand it.