Hot shower
Trumper's Limes
Edwin Jagger
Moss Scuttle
5/8 Black King spike
Tony Miller #1 3" hanging strop
Royall Lyme

This is one of my all-time favorite razors and my first string lineup but for the first time it let me down a little today. I wasn't in a good mood, so I purposely grabbed this one out of rotation because it usually turns my frown upside down.

Maybe I just wasn't in the groove, maybe I just wasn't feeling it, but I was vaguely dissatisfied with the shave today. Didn't pull, didn't tug, but things just weren't going well. Didn't have enough water in my mix so the lather dried up a hair, had to revisit several areas that I missed or didn't get well the first time and had quite a bit of touchup to do which left my face kind of tingly raw. Couldn't seem to get a few problem areas that I thought I'd finally gotten good at taking care of.

Probably didn't help that I was grumpy this morning too. Still far better than a Mach 3 shave though.

-- Gary F.