Results 131 to 140 of 292
Thread: Sun July 17th - Sat July 23rd
07-20-2011, 03:50 AM #131
07-20-2011, 04:38 AM #132
07-20-2011, 04:59 AM #133
soap: Calani Gentleman
brush: Muehle
DE: Muehle
razor: Wostenholm
supervisor: Yoda
07-20-2011, 09:02 AM #134
Wednesday 20th
Filarmonica 13 Doble Temple
Vie-Long E16510
Taylors Jermyn St.
Myrsol Emulsion
Ortigia Sicily Pomegranate
07-20-2011, 09:40 AM #135
Prep: Hot shower
Brush: New Forest knot in vintage barbers handle
Razor: Klas Törnblom 6/8 near wedge in pink ivory wood scales
Soap: Provence Santé
AS: Old Spice, Fresh Lime
Result: Very, very clean
Ahh, two days of stuble wiped awayThis near wedge takes care of business but I treated it like a hollow ground razor and had to splash on Shulton blend Old Spice to cool things down. Splendid shave!
07-20-2011, 09:42 AM #136
It seems you got a mug from a prisoner
07-20-2011, 10:13 AM #137
Pre ; Hot Shower
Moss Scuttle Schwzeisskerimikb XL
lather; Tabac Shaving Soap
Razor ; Merkur 37G loaded with Gillette Platinum
Brush ; Shavemac Do1 Two Band Silvertip
AS; Tabac Lotion
Ede Colongne Tabac
07-20-2011, 10:51 AM #138
Prep:Hot Shower, Sandalwood & Vanilla Pre-shave oil
Scuttle:Dirty Bird Custom Double
Brush:TGN Premium Silvertip 22mm
Strop:SRD PIV English Bridle Strop
Cream: CarrieM's “First Frost”
Razor: Henckels 401
After shave: C.O. Bigelow “Mentha” ASB
EDT: Polo Blue
Result: Today is day 3 in row for triple digit temperatures (couple that with high humidity and it's hard to even breathe) and the perfect opportunity to cool off with the “First Frost” cream and “Mentha” ASB. The Henckels delivered a superb shave and I'm feeling cool as ice. Time to venture out into the “air you can wear”.
Have a grand Wednesday gentlemen!
07-20-2011, 11:12 AM #139
Razor: Le Grelot Brush: Simpson Chubby 2 Superlather: Cade Strop: Ambrose Horsehide ASB: Cade EdT: Annick Goutal Vetiver Result: Stupendous! Two passes with an incredibly luxurious Cade superlather and I was left CBS! The Grelot is a very nimble little blade and the ebony scales Max put it in left it a very light, comfortable razor to hold.
He saw a lawyer killing a viper on a dunghill hard by his own stable; And the Devil smiled, for it put him in mind of Cain and his brother Abel.
-- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
07-20-2011, 11:13 AM #140