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Thread: Sun October 9th - Sat October 15th

  1. #61
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jacketch View Post

    I know what you mean. I did a 65 mile bike ride yesterday and my glutes, thighs and calves are reminding me I am no longer as young as I thought I was
    Yeah, I know what you guys are going through, yesterday I moved eight bottles of German Beer to my face repeatedly until they were all empty, boy, I'm really feeling it today!
    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
    Walt Whitman

  2. #62
    Senior Member sharp's Avatar
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    Prep:Hot Towel
    Scuttle:Dirty Bird Custom Double
    Brush:Semogue 830
    Strop:SRD PIV
    Soap:AOS Sandalwood
    Razor: Maxtom 8/8
    After shave: Ogallala Cedar & Sage
    EDT: L'Occitane Vetyver

    Result: Today's shave was a very quick 2 pass shave with my most prized razor. Excellent results considering I was rushed. I had planned on a very relaxing, drawn out shave today...but the 2 ½ year old had other plans. I believe she has hit the “3's” early as her new favorite word is “NOT”. This word seems to pop up in the strangest places. Allow me to provide a few entertaining examples.

    Example #1: She didn't want to go to bed and I was carrying her up the stairs when she smacked me in the face. She was rewarded with time out and in order to get out of time out, she must say “Sorry, no hit Daddy”. Well, she kept saying “I NOT sorry, I NOT sorry!”....this was really hard not to laugh at. After a long drawn out battle, she finally got it right.

    Example 2: She was crying as I accidentally scared her when I hurried towards her saying “no,no,no” in an effort to to keep her from hitting her head on a wooden scarecrow while we were at the pumpkin patch. I picked her up and said “It's ok, Daddy loves you”...her reply “No, No, No, Daddy NOT love you!”, my wife chimes in “yes Daddy loves you, tell Daddy you love him”...her reply, ”No, I NOT love Daddy, I NOT!”...a little sting as this was the first time I heard that, but again, difficult not to laugh at the assertion of this normally sweet little girl.

    Example #3:At Sunday school, they do 1 memory verse each month. They work on the verse each Sunday, even with the 2 year olds. This month's verse is “I can do all things through Christ”. Here is what she said is her memory verse “I can do all things through NOT Christ”...I'm speechless and trying, again, desperately not to laugh.

    Great shaves fellas, keep them coming!

  3. #63
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BladeRunner001 View Post
    An AMAZING start to this week gents.

    Nice Klas...Is she too small or that the scales are on the thin side? Well done on a nice shave. Love those cuffllinks too. How many do you have?...
    Hi Robert,
    No, it's not too small, just very, very light and the scales are REALLY thin. Very beautiful, it is. I have about 30 pairs of cufflinks, all vintage, all from eBay for not very much money. Some are worth a lot more than I paid for them. Choosing what cufflinks to wear every work day is a pleasure akin to choosing the razor, cream and AS...
    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
    Walt Whitman

  4. #64
    Senior Member blabbermouth nicknbleeding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharp View Post
    Today's shave was a very quick 2 pass shave with my most prized razor. Excellent results considering I was rushed. I had planned on a very relaxing, drawn out shave today...but the 2 ½ year old had other plans. I believe she has hit the “3's” early as her new favorite word is “NOT”. This word seems to pop up in the strangest places. Allow me to provide a few entertaining examples.

    Example #1: She didn't want to go to bed and I was carrying her up the stairs when she smacked me in the face. She was rewarded with time out and in order to get out of time out, she must say “Sorry, no hit Daddy”. Well, she kept saying “I NOT sorry, I NOT sorry!”....this was really hard not to laugh at. After a long drawn out battle, she finally got it right.

    Example 2: She was crying as I accidentally scared her when I hurried towards her saying “no,no,no” in an effort to to keep her from hitting her head on a wooden scarecrow while we were at the pumpkin patch. I picked her up and said “It's ok, Daddy loves you”...her reply “No, No, No, Daddy NOT love you!”, my wife chimes in “yes Daddy loves you, tell Daddy you love him”...her reply, ”No, I NOT love Daddy, I NOT!”...a little sting as this was the first time I heard that, but again, difficult not to laugh at the assertion of this normally sweet little girl.

    Example #3:At Sunday school, they do 1 memory verse each month. They work on the verse each Sunday, even with the 2 year olds. This month's verse is “I can do all things through Christ”. Here is what she said is her memory verse “I can do all things through NOT Christ”...I'm speechless and trying, again, desperately not to laugh.

    Great shaves fellas, keep them coming!
    Oh That is too funny. Kids come out with the darnest things.
    baldy, DOOM, Mvcrash and 6 others like this.

  5. #65
    Senior Member easyace's Avatar
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    Default Monday

    Good Morning,

    Prep: Shower
    Strop: SRD Premium 1 Leather 30,70
    Brush: Semogue 2030, Badger
    Cream: Denim Original
    Razor: TI Spartacus, Stamina (Laminated Rosewood) Scales
    Finish: Allume Di Rocca Naturale
    AS: Old Spice, White Water.

    Great start to the day, worth getting out of bed for.
    Stay Safe.
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  6. #66
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    DD 6/8-La Toja/TOBS Jermyn Street-Lubriderm

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    There is nothing (well almost) better then after a long work day hitting a hot shower and a nice relaxing shave! The LT and TOBS mixed up into a fine lather. Thick and silky with Jermyn Street scent blending around the house. The Goldedge took care of all the offending whiskers with out a hitch. Have a great Mon gents. I'm prob going to take a off day.


    P.S. Robert I think a new classification is in order... MAD=Maxterpiece acquisition disorder!!! My number is coming up but I may not be around for long if ya know what I mean(HooAH). I told Max I would get back to him as soon as I know I'm stable in the states. Boy that hurts!!!
    "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

  7. #67
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Beautiful Series to end (my) evening/night...
    Now, I am going to have dreams of your SOTDs

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    Thank you for sharing that...What a wonderful visit. It makes me feel like I was there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fbones24 View Post
    Rudy Vey | Razorock Chianti Lavender | EJ D89L - Bolzano | Alum | AOS Sandalwood Balm | ELDO Charogne
    Fabulous shave with that RR Chianti Lavender Frank

    Quote Originally Posted by otherstar View Post
    Razors: Kraut & Donahl 9/16; Gillettte Ball End Tech with Astra (1)
    Brush: Altesse Black Badger
    Soap: Col. Conk Lime
    Aftershave: Polo
    Welcome to SOTD. Great to have you here. Great shave

    Quote Originally Posted by Str8Shooter View Post
    You beat me to it Bill!!
    Heeeeyyyyyyyy, LOOOOOL

    Quote Originally Posted by sfcablecar View Post
    Paul Weidenmiller Muris
    Gorgeous Muris

    Quote Originally Posted by DOOM View Post
    CREAM: Cyril R Salter French Vetiver
    RAZOR: LeGrelot 6/8, 1/4 hollow w/ Bone scales
    Awesome gear Dominic

    Quote Originally Posted by DOOM View Post
    After a great and beautiful day of apple picking with Family...My wife did a delicious apple-sweet-crust pie and it was mmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!! Now my boy is asleep time to relax with a nice shave and drink.

    @BladeRunner: Congrats on that beautiful JC!!! She looks AWESOME!!
    Sounds like an awesome day and an even better way to end it with that wonderful pie. Yummmm!!! Eat a piece for me too brother

    PS; Thanks for the kind words on the JC. She's a wonderful piece of steel indeed.

    Quote Originally Posted by sharp View Post
    Razor: Maxtom 8/8

    Result: Today's shave was a very quick 2 pass shave with my most prized razor. Excellent results considering I was rushed. I had planned on a very relaxing, drawn out shave today...but the 2 ½ year old had other plans. I believe she has hit the “3's” early as her new favorite word is “NOT”. This word seems to pop up in the strangest places. Allow me to provide a few entertaining examples.
    Firstly, that Maxtom of yours is a thing of beauty. Max' work is just elegant.
    Secondly, your daughter sounds like a handful buddy. Kids say the darnest things and in funny ways. Enjoy her ways for several years...once she hit her teens, it's probably a whole different ball game, LOOOOL.

    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    Hi Robert,
    No, it's not too small, just very, very light and the scales are REALLY thin. Very beautiful, it is. I have about 30 pairs of cufflinks, all vintage, all from eBay for not very much money. Some are worth a lot more than I paid for them. Choosing what cufflinks to wear every work day is a pleasure akin to choosing the razor, cream and AS...
    I know what you mean...I have a Bengall in real ivory scales which are very thin and there's always that fear of breaking them.

    PS: Great to see someone else is a BIG fan of cufflinks.

    Quote Originally Posted by easyace View Post
    Razor: TI Spartacus, Stamina (Laminated Rosewood) Scales
    Great start to the day, worth getting out of bed for.
    Now, that's a point of view that I had not entertained before ;-). I like it. Hope there are morer reasons to get out of bed for, LOOOL. Well done with the shave buddy. Gorgeous Spartacus.

    Quote Originally Posted by Str8Shooter View Post
    DD 6/8-La Toja
    The Goldedge took care of all the offending whiskers with out a hitch. Have a great Mon gents. I'm prob going to take a off day.
    Beautiful DD Paul. Probably one of the most pristine I have seen (with gold tang and all).

    PS: You deserve a day off bro...You've been pushing too hard on all cyclinders.

    Quote Originally Posted by Str8Shooter View Post
    P.S. Robert I think a new classification is in order... MAD=Maxterpiece acquisition disorder!!! My number is coming up but I may not be around for long if ya know what I mean(HooAH). I told Max I would get back to him as soon as I know I'm stable in the states. Boy that hurts!!!
    LOOOOOOL. I love this new classification Paul...But not sure what you are talking about with "you being around long enough" or "your number being up" or "being stable in the states". This kind of talk worries me bro. Hope all is well and you are not being shipped somewhere in Timbuktu.


  8. #68
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Yoda is back, he lost the trucks with the money in space

  9. #69
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    No iPhone-recording! It's blasphemy.
    The organist from Munich played very well. Here you get the titles:
    Dietrich Buxtehude 1637-1707: Praeludium C-Dur
    Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750: Toccata, Adagio and Fuge C-Dur (BWV 564)
    August Gottfried Ritter 1811-1885: Sonate Nr. 1 D-Moll op.11
    Volker Bräutigam *1939:Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'mein (jazz-like chorals)
    Duke Ellington 1899-1974: The Shepard (Who Watches Over The Night Flock) Sacred Concert #2
    Fats Waller 1904-1943: Soothin' Syrup Stomp
    Guy Bovet *1942 Tango de undecimo tono a modo de bossanova
    Armin Becker *1964:St. George's Serenade, improvisation (a hommage to the St. George's church Glauchau
    and Salve Regina, a hommage to the sound of the bells of St. George's church Glauchau
    Georg Friedrich Händel 1685-1759 Arrival of the Queen of Sheba
    Armin Becker (the organist) Swing G.F.H.
    DOOM, sharp, du212 and 7 others like this.

  10. #70
    amb is offline
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    SOTD Monday 10

    Brush: Altesse, white badger (Model 72228)
    Soap/Cream: TOBS, Rose Shaving Cream
    Strop: Herold Razor Strop (Model 9185)
    Straight Razor: Dovo Renaissance 6/8, Full Hollow. Round point.
    AS: TOBS, Collection No.74 Victorian Lime
    Cologne: 4711, Aqua de Colonia Lavender & Thyme
    I have never tried a floral shave cream before except Lavender. This Rose cream lathers like a champ and smells awesome. It is a floral scent like a rose bouquet. Very nice.

    Have a nice day, gents
    Last edited by amb; 10-10-2011 at 01:08 PM.

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