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Thread: Sun February 19th - Sat February 25th

  1. #111
    Senior Member Moosiker's Avatar
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    Tuesday Night:
    Razor: Merkur Long Handle with a vintage "Gilette Thin" razor
    Brush: Badger in Mahogany (WillN)
    Pre-shave: Poraso Pre/Post
    Soap: First experience with Razorock XXX (really nice)
    Post shave: Poraso Pre/Post
    After: Corn Huskers Lotion and sleep.

    I plan on getting back to posting photos - just a bit out of band width lately

  2. #112
    Senior Member Joe Edson's Avatar
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    8/8+ Custom // Acca Kappa 1869 // Shavemac D01 // Floid Blue

  3. #113
    Novice Rugbysh9's Avatar
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    Name:  SOTD 02.22.12.jpg
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    Prep: Hot Shower + Proraso Pre / Post
    Scuttle: Dirty Bird 1.5
    Brush: Vulfix 2236S
    Razor: Rugby 6/8+ Dressed in Gunsmoke Mokume Gane (Maxterpiece)
    Suds: MdC (showing the new Maxterpiece some respect)
    Post: Alum + Thayer's WH w/Aloe
    AS: L'Occitane Verdon
    ASB: Pre de Provance
    EdT: L'Occitane Vetyver

    Comments: I picked up the Rugby back when Jim at Eastern Smooth was running the special on the Kanayama strops. I figured a quasi-old rugger has got to own a Rugby razor. The original scales were plain black plastic, BORING. This needed to be kitted up in something a bit loud but still classy, like me ;p. So off she went to Max to be re-dressed in MK. I got her back on Sat and held off on shaving the last few days so I'd have some real growth for it to plow through. I'm very stoked on this razor and even more amazed that I'm only 1 Maxterpiece away from a 7 day set! I also want to thank Bill (legalbeagle). His REALLY informative post in the "Colognes of the Famous" got SWMBO to order me the L'Occitane Vetyver I used today

    Razor porn:

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  4. #114
    Senior Member du212's Avatar
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    Fontenille 134 :: Vie Long Best Badger :: Jabonman Lavanda :: Alun

  5. #115
    Senior Member bman40's Avatar
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    Wednesday shave

    Dovo Best Quality 6/8
    Anthony's Barber Supply Gold SC
    Badger brush
    Anthony's Gold Red Cedar AS
    Nivea ASB
    L'Occitane Vetyver cologne

    Excellentj shave today. I am really lenjoying this Dovo this week, and have used it three consecutive days. This, despite the fact theat I cut BOTH my ears with the damn thing ...


  6. #116
    Senior Member mysticguido's Avatar
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    NO PIX...Sorry

    Prep = Hot water wash
    Soap = Mama Bear's Cannabis
    Razor = W&B Bow
    A/S = Baby oil rub

    Did The SWMBO's legs Today, She liked the warm lather I made and Her Legs are nice and smooth....

  7. #117
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Prep: Hot Shower / Very Hot Water Soak
    Razor: 5/8 Dame Stoddard & Kendall "Hub" razor
    Hones: 100/200 felt/3" Chestnut Strop
    Brush: 24mm Silvertip in American Ash
    Uber: RazoRock XXX
    AS: Alum Block & Jock Soap Tall Drink & OBR Sandalwood
    Edc: NA
    Result: Still shaving with this razor after honing it this week. I stropped the heck out of it, and it was plain old great! Smooth as silk and left me feeling NO sting from the ALum. The Jock Soap Tall Drink has a slight menthol scent to it, but it leaves you feeling very comfortable and soft. The OBR is one of my favorite scents to splash on. No Cologne necessary. I used my giant restaurant mixing bowl with my 6" Silvertip, and XXX makes a great lather once you get the water right. Today I managed to get the water right. This was one of my best shaves in a while, and I feel very gratified due to the effort involved in the learning curve honing. The extra stropping really pays off! The edge has actually gotten better than first off the stones.

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    Happy Shaving Men! Keep the Gear Coming!

    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

  8. #118
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Tally Ho Wedge-LaToja/D' Caraceni-DB 1.5-24MM Silvertip-John Varvatos ASB w/ Artisan Black Cologne

    Name:  SOTD02.22.12 001.jpg
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    Fantastic shave today. I got to reading somthing Ryan posted and remembered I still had a smidge of the D Caraceni left. All gone now never to be replaced(damm why did they stop making this stuff?) I mixed it with the LaToja and had the most perfect lather. Scent, volume, glide, cushion. Mixed it with the Tally Ho which is also an excellent shaver. 3 pass to bliss.....

    a moment of silence for the passing of D Caraceni.....
    "We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."

  9. #119
    Senior Member jolgar's Avatar
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    Default Wednesday

    Hello my friends.

    The shave today (very nice)

    Prep Floïd pre-shave oil
    Brush Semogue 1800
    Soap Palmolive stick
    Razor Dovo-Special 6/8"
    Post Myrsol emulsión
    AS TOBS Bay Rum

    Cheers. Saludos
    José Luis

  10. #120
    Senior Member blabbermouth Tarkus's Avatar
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    Default February 22, 2012

    Prep: Hot shower
    Strop: Lipshaw Microtome
    Brush: Omega mini badger
    Soap/Cream: Art of Shaving (Lemon)
    Razor Wapienica 4/8"
    Aftershave: Art of Shaving (Lemon gel)
    Note: Nice refreshing shave today, its fun to bring out a small wedge now and again

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    Wonderful job to all the S.O.T.D.ers!!!

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