Dovo BQ 5/8
Poraso green tub
Ogallala BR AS

This poor Dovo has been nothing short of my "crash test dummy"... from novice stropping to the "Hey... this should get a touch up on the Norton 8k" fiasco, eventually it always comes back around and delivers. Tonights venture involved another touch up, but stropping on a printed page, (phone book, akin to newspaper stropping). Need to revisit that with more than a 24 hour beard, but between the blade and the Poraso, the AS Face-Fire factor registered a paltry 0.4, (out of 5.0). I'm getting the idea that the Poraso menthol bomb saves my skin from a higher level of irritation than I'd otherwise experience. Unfortunately, one of my blades would have to subjected to a lack of stropping / honing / mucking around on to prove this theory.

So..obviously.. that's an experiment left undone.