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Thread: SOTD - 'HOBBY THEME' - Sun June 03rd - June 09th

  1. #181
    Senior Member blabbermouth Tarkus's Avatar
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    Default Hobby week June 7 2012

    Prep: Shower
    Strop: Lipshaw Microtome
    Brush: Hardright Anchorset (2 band reknot)
    Soap/Cream: S.R.D. (Blood Orange)
    Razor: Anton Wingen Jr. Red Point
    After shave: Proraso

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    Here is another hobby/addiction of mine attending Phillies games
    Even though there not doing so great right now. There still my beloved Phillies
    My friend & I go as much as our wallets allow

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    Not bad seats!!!
    And yes I'm drunk in this photo

  2. #182
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theseus View Post
    Hard to believe that it's been a year. Mark's enthusiasm for SE razors inspired me to buy my first Gem. I now have 7 Gem's and a Rolls Razor, all thanks to him. I think it only fitting to raise a can of PBR in remembrance.
    Lift one of the beer for me! I can't believe it's been a year already. Many prayers!!!

  3. #183
    Senior Member Sargon's Avatar
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    Brush: Vie-Long Horse
    Soap/Creme: Cella
    Razor: Merkur Futur
    Blade:Astra SS
    Pre: 3P
    Post: Lilac Vegetal
    Hair Groom: Gables Rose oil
    Result: BBS

  4. #184
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    Good morning Gents!

    Prep: hot towel + glycerin soap
    Brush: Ever-Ready silvertip
    Shaving soap: De Vergulde Hand
    Razor: 7/8" P. Fritisse Veritable
    AS: D. R. Harris Sandalwood

    And the another my I don't have the top brands swiss watches. But I very like my old (40's 50's) watches. The Patek Philippe remains a dream, but dreams are needed, they provide motivation to me...

  5. #185
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    A nice shave with a Torry Swedish razor in salute to our lost brother Mark Colliau, AKA "Blugill" who was an avid fisherman. Some, if not most of you did not know him, but he was a card. A big ol lovable pile of personality and kindness. I still miss him. We learned of his passing one year ago today from Lynn in the "Hall of Rememberance" forum. Mark coined the phrase "Catfish Belly Smooth" in his posts here. A great fellow!
    Here, also, is his last submittal for SOTD dated 5/31/11. How he LOVED his American steel and especially his Custom Torrey "Shark Razor"!
    Rest in Peace, Brother!
    Plan as you will live forever. Live as you will die tomorrow.
    Thanks, Tom
    Thank you for this heartfelt remembrance Tom...Mark is and always will be missed. His Catfish Belly Smooth (CBS) has become the hallmark benchmark by which most of us shavers judge our faces every morning, after a nice shave


  6. #186
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    A long weekend for us in this neck of the woods, and an early finish at work for me today and a nice sunny day after a FREEZING morning. The day started with a nice DE shave with a Gillette 7 o’clock blade and O Melhor cream. Two passes and then a bit of touching up to perfection.

    A weights workout on arrival at home, with still good progress being made on the reps (from 6,6,6, to 10, 9, 9 on all sets since the 16th of April in 15 workouts. They’re only ½ an hour workouts, consisting of pushups, E Z bar Curls, EZ Bar Triceps ext, EZ Bar military press from front and situps, generally only twice a week, but now increasing to three times a week. System of a Down was today’s workout music; the Mezmerize album.

    I’m not going to shave all long weekend until Tuesday morning.

    It’s been a great week here, the theme has been excellent, thanks Max. We’ve had some really good conversations, I think…

    No echidnas were sighted today.

    [EDIT] Oh, forgot the theme thing, camping is another hobby of mine, always to Deep Creek conversation park, 4500 hectares of bushland. It's where I'm heading when the zombie apocalypse comes, with the long bow I'm buying soon, an AK47 and a spear. Oh, also Robinson Crusoe trousers, you know, all raggedy below the knees. I'll order a girl Friday rather than a man Friday though; and it would be nice if she was French, besotted (in me), a good cook, fit and fertile. She should also be a good navigator.

    The photos are from Deep Creek. I look odd because generally when I go camping I'm often very drunk......

    Razor: Mühle R 89| Blade: Gillette 7 o’clock | Cream: O Melhor | After Shave: Dominica Bay Rum | Eau de Toilette: Whiskey by Evalfor

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    Last edited by carlmaloschneider; 06-08-2012 at 06:48 AM.

  7. #187
    Senior Member NavalArchitect's Avatar
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  8. #188
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baldy View Post
    ...I'd love to learn more about the technical side if photography and get myself a better camera. One day...
    Grant, you should pick yourself up a Rolleicord III, although after checking eBay JUST after I typed that first bit, I do see they've gone up in price a bit since I got mine. They're good for close ups (with the Rolleinar lens) and also portraits. The lens is really on the softer side of being really sharp, but if you look at Bailey's eyes ion the first picture you can see it's pretty sharp, as is the vodka in the glass...

    Box cameras are good too, and with a fixed shutter speed take one variable out of the equation. Ilford HP5 400 ISO Black and White film is really forgiving; you can over expose and under expose quite a bit and still get a pleasing result. Then you need to learn this, and you're all set!

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    Last edited by carlmaloschneider; 06-08-2012 at 07:40 AM.

  9. #189
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    ...The wife and I enjoy "Casual" 4 wheeling we get out into the mountains here quite a bit and just explore ...
    That's incredible scenery!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mephisto View Post
    Very cool razor, I love the scales and think the blade looks just fine. Some soul is definitely nice. I'd leave it just as it is.

    In regards to trouble spots, I found only a month or so ago that I hadn't REALLY paid as much attention to how the hairs on my neck actually lay. I found this while contemplating something, after not shaving for a few days, and sort of rubbing my neck and chin in a contemplative 'The Thinker' kind of way. I realised some parts of my neck had hairs definitely going almost completely E to W. It's difficult to go completely ATG on these hairs, I find, but when I DO, I get the best shave ever...

    That's been my experience, anyway, just thought I'd share... :-)

  10. #190
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjhammer View Post
    ...HI Gents!! It's been a while, but I could not resist the 'hobby' themed week...
    Good to hear from you!

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