Quote Originally Posted by Mikael View Post
Well, it's not that big, my wife thinks I ... aha, you meant the razor, well, it's not as big either (around 13/16) and pretty close in size to another razor that's going down under in a not to distant future
Cool, can't wait. It'll be interesting honing the framebacks. I've already ordered the three razor case so all the framebacks can live with each other.

OH, and my commiserations for being only 13/16. That's very sad, but I'm sure you have a great personality...

After about 45 it doesn't matter anyway, that part of the relationship fades; you'll find yourself walking along the beach together, doing Suduko puzzles together, possibly knitting, doing scrapbooking, cooking up a storm on the weekends together; the physical 'part' ('scuse the pun) takes a back seat...