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Thread: Sun September 23rd - Sat September 29th

  1. #51
    Stropping Addict Scookum's Avatar
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    Tuesday Sept 25

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  2. #52
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Several weeks back, I received this scaleless Maxtom. I loved the razor, but couldn't figure out a good way to store it without damaging the edge. So, I was talking to Rene about my dilemma. He suggested that he would be willing to make me a stand for it. The blade went in the post, and he went to work. The blade came back yesterday with a very well designed razor stand. The small details always make the difference. Rene even put a small magnet in the base to hold the razor in place. Very well executed and it looks nice. He even made the contours of the stand match the contour of the blade tip. Thank you, Rene!

    With my blade back home, I couldn't wait to give it a spin around the whisker forest. I chose the Yardley soap and the Manchurian badger Rover to create my soap trail. The soap exploded into a thick creamy lather. In no time, I was ready to let the Maxtom do its job. And this thing is made for the task at hand. It is nimble, yet feels confident in the hand. In no time whatsoever, I was BBS and ready for the Lucido splash. I finished it all off with some wonderful Rancé Le Vainqueur, and I'm ready for the very busy day ahead!

    PS - Carl, I hope you get feeling better quite soon!
    He saw a lawyer killing a viper on a dunghill hard by his own stable; And the Devil smiled, for it put him in mind of Cain and his brother Abel.
    -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

  3. #53
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    Default Tuesday

    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: Martinez' Custom: Chess King w/ 26mm silver tip badger
    Soap: Truefitt & Hill: Luxury Shaving Soap
    Strop: Tony Miller Heirloom tri-strop (3x25)
    Razor: Le Grelot 6/8 Ram's Horn
    ASB: Mama Bear's Aged Spice

    Comfortable and smooth.

    "Cheap Tools Is Misplaced Economy. Always buy the best and highest grade of razors, hones and strops. Then you are prepared to do the best work."
    - Napoleon LeBlanc, 1895

  4. #54
    Senior Member fonthunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LegalBeagle View Post
    Several weeks back, I received this scaleless Maxtom. I loved the razor, but couldn't figure out a good way to store it without damaging the edge. So, I was talking to Rene about my dilemma. He suggested that he would be willing to make me a stand for it. The blade went in the post, and he went to work. The blade came back yesterday with a very well designed razor stand. The small details always make the difference. Rene even put a small magnet in the base to hold the razor in place. Very well executed and it looks nice. He even made the contours of the stand match the contour of the blade tip. Thank you, Rene!
    please put photo René's very well designed razor stand. ...with Max razor.

  5. #55
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LegalBeagle View Post
    ...PS - Carl, I hope you get feeling better quite soon!...
    Thanks Bill. I'm actually feeling much better tonight, thank you. My family have been ringing up to see how I am, but the first thing they ask SWMBO is 'are you OK, Cindy'...
    Geezer, Zephyr and JoeSomebody like this.
    Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me? And why should I not speak to you?
    Walt Whitman

  6. #56
    Who's that guy think he is... JoeSomebody's Avatar
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    Default Tuesday 9-25-12

    Prep: Hot Shower/ Proraso pre-post creme
    Brush: AOS Pure Badger
    Scuttle: G5
    Soap: Truefitt & Hill Almond SC
    Razor: Genco 'Fluid Steel'
    Post: Cold water splash, T&H Ultimate comfort balm
    Result: This razor is honed out at the toe, but the smiling edge fits my face quite well and the edge was smooth and comfortable. I got a T& H sample pack and their stuff is top shelf. Isn't it odd how subjective everyone's sense of smell is? I tried the 1805 and found it waaay to flowery, but the Grafton which was touted to be more subtle was right on the edge of powerful to me...The almond was great, I wasn't sure if I would like it, but wow, lather explosion and I did like the scent alot. Anyway, I digress, 3 Passes and silky sticky smooth. Off to another screamingly busy day at work...
    Name:  Genco Fluid Steel 1.jpg
Views: 278
Size:  21.6 KB
    Have a Great Tuesday Gents!

    Hope you get better soon Carl. We like your sarcastic wittiness way better than your melancholia...
    Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity. ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca

  7. #57
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    Thanks Bill. I'm actually feeling much better tonight, thank you. My family have been ringing up to see how I am, but the first thing they ask SWMBO is 'are you OK, Cindy'...
    Clearly your family knows you too well!
    JoeSomebody likes this.
    He saw a lawyer killing a viper on a dunghill hard by his own stable; And the Devil smiled, for it put him in mind of Cain and his brother Abel.
    -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

  8. #58
    Member TheXelol's Avatar
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    PREP: Hot shower + Alepo soap
    CREAM/SOAP: Castle Forbes Sandalwood and Cedarwood Shaving Cream
    BRUSH: 30mm GB Kent H12 - Best Badger
    RAZOR: 6/8 P.MORIAU-frameback
    STROP: Scrupleworks 3"
    POST: Osma Alum + Fitjar K3 Extra

  9. #59
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Meeting with the firefighters:
    Result: Firefighters from Lynchburg will come to the 150. anniversary of the Glauchau firefighters in 2013
    2014 a group of firefighters will visit Lynchburg, VA.
    It works!

  10. #60
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    I do not want to double post, but if anyone wants to read about my freaky SOTD experience where my nightmare became a reality, check it out here...


    Last edited by unit; 09-25-2012 at 12:56 PM.

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