Carl, that is a wonderful story. While I will not profess to be nearly as eloquent as you, nor to know the parties as well, I do not see how Aimee could possibly find the first version to be anything but a compliment. After all, you did not tell your sons to choose a pebble unilaterally, you told them the pebble must speak to them. In other words, it was choosing them as much as they were choosing it. And the homily of dedication and loyalty is very much the story of marriage. There will be times of temptation. There will be frustrations with the one we find to share our lives with, but we can never forget that we did not marry that person because it was our own choice. We married that person because our lives spoke to one another and because apart we are merely pebbles on a beach, but when united, we are so much more. We are a laughter, we are accomplishment, we are memories, and we carry unlimited potential.

Your sons are very lucky young men, and Aimee is incredibly fortunate to be joining your family!