Quote Originally Posted by hitemfrank View Post
...Today was supposed to be a good day. I had plans to have a picnic and go to the beach with my girlfriend and some of her family. It should get to about 29 degrees C today, which for Ireland is pretty damn high. Unfortunately for me though, my shoulder started aching yesterday and by last night I was in agony when moving my arm. It is still stupidly painful even when my shoulder is at rest. I decided it was best for me not to go because I'm a grouchy bastard when my shoulder flairs up and I didn't want to ruin their day.

I have hypermobility in most of my joints and my right shoulder seems to be the most affected. My right shoulder is fairly unstable (I can pretty much dislocate both of my shoulders, at will, without any pain and they go straight back in on their own about a second later) so my rotator cuff is overworked when I do pretty much anything. After a while my rotator cuff just gets too tired to continue working and then the shoulder pain happens.

I think it's finally time that I take these pains seriously and build up my shoulder strength.
Wow. How on earth would you build that up? I guess it'd have to be pretty light weights, otherwise the barbell would end up on the floor with you standing and you still gripping the bar!