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Thread: Suggestion please....

  1. #1
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    Default Suggestion please....

    I'm looking for a suggestion. In the past I used Merkur Futur and Merkur Slant 39C. Sold both of them. Shaved for over a year with a straight and now for the last 6 months I've been using the Cobra. Love the Cobra but would also like to have DE for a bit of a variety. I would like to get something that would be comparable to the Cobra. Any suggestion is welcome. In this case don't really care much about the cost, just the quality.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I don't recommend shaving with any snake, Mark, but if that's your thing,,,then I'd say the Coral Snake is comparable.
    They are somewhat smaller & harder to keep an eye on while shaving though.
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  3. #3
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    The Muhle R41 would be a good choice.

  4. #4
    Snicker Snack
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    It depends on what you like about the Cobra:

    1) The Feather AC blades are pretty much unmatched in the DE world.
    2) The aggression level of the Cobra is not that crazy.


    If you want a very aggressive razor, the 2011 R41 is a good choice, but it can be harsh.

    If you want a smooth shave, I'd go with the Weber razors, with a Feather or Turkish Permasharp blade. If you want to save a few $$, I'd consider the NYSC Mariner.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by yohannrjm View Post
    It depends on what you like about the Cobra:

    1) The Feather AC blades are pretty much unmatched in the DE world.
    2) The aggression level of the Cobra is not that crazy.


    If you want a very aggressive razor, the 2011 R41 is a good choice, but it can be harsh.

    If you want a smooth shave, I'd go with the Weber razors, with a Feather or Turkish Permasharp blade. If you want to save a few $$, I'd consider the NYSC Mariner.
    Yes, smooth is what I'm after. It's hard for me to judge how aggressive the Cobra is since it's the only thing I use. I'll look into the Weber razors. Thanks for the suggestion.

  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    There are a lot of people making DE's these days. It depends what your budget it. Maybe a vintage Gillette like the fatboy or a basic Dovo like the barber pole. There are a whole crop of stainless models too.
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  7. #7
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    It is really just for variety. So cost is not a deciding factor. If I didn't want to spend the money I would just stick with the Cobra. So quality and smoothness is what I'm after.

  8. #8
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    It is really just for variety. So cost is not a deciding factor. If I didn't want to spend the money I would just stick with the Cobra. So quality and smoothness is what I'm after.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by yohannrjm View Post
    It depends on what you like about the Cobra:

    2) The aggression level of the Cobra is not that crazy.
    Hmmm, I was under the impression that the Cobra was very aggressive. I've never tried one, so of course I can't offer an opinion, but it does sound interesting.

    MarkG, in that case the R41 might not be the razor for you. I find it smooth but most don't due to its aggressive nature. If cost isn't a factor and you want something smooth and different there's also the Feather AS-D2 or the Pils.

  10. #10
    Junior Member ben74's Avatar
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    I love my Cobra, it's my most favoured shaving tool. It's effective with both the Kai Mild blades and the Feather. For me the Feathers last longer, but I get a smoother shave from the Kai.

    My favourite DE razors currently are the iKon OC Deluxe and Standard. For variety you might acquire a complete razor and then the alternative head?

    My other go to DE is a Mergress XL (Merkur Progress with the longer metal knob). For me, this adjustment to the weight and balance makes the razor preform admirably.

    If you are after an aggressive razor, for me the Joris caters well for this. I've owned a few and have reduced my collection to the all metal handles as opposed to the wood, horn or acrylic options. Like the Mergress, these options just provide a better weight and balance in my opinion. The Joris is as much an art piece as it is a razor!

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