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Thread: Does anyone else have trouble getting bbs with aos sandalwood?

  1. #11
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    Look at the video on shaving there are several on you tube ,sometimes you need more or less water to get it right. At first i had it wrong untill i watched the prep video when the guy sooked his brush in water an pick it up all he did was dip his hand to get rid of some water and used the remaining water to later the soap and it lathered great ,when i did the same pow perfecto. Now i get bbs most of the time. Prepping your face sofens up your wiskers and is nesesary for bbs for most people. Check out the videos they help put in the browser on youtube shaving for beginers. Some are better than others but they will give you a better idea on what you need to change to achieve bbs good luck and remember everyones face is different and different things work for diferent people

  2. #12
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    I'm going to disagree with the crowd a bit. I'm also not much a fan of the AOS sandalwood cream. I find it less protective for my face than my other creams (Prorasso, Palmolive, and KMF). I find that going atg with my AOS cream is just less comfortable.
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  3. #13
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    What gives BBS is technique, quality double edge razor and sharp and smooth blades. Quality soap or cream help in the process by providing cushion and glide, but the other elements are mostly responsible for BBS.

    What's more, you can still get a BBS with a lower grade soap or cream as long as you have a good technique and use proper tools.

    It is grossly unfair to equate The Art of Shaving soaps or creams to Barbasol. They are not even in the same neighborhood. The Art of Shaving soaps and creams, especially the older versions, are quality products. The older soaps were produced by Valobra of Italy, one of the top names in shave soaps.

    I have used both Van der Hagen and The Art of Shaving sandalwood and find it difficult to accept Van der Hagen surpassing The Art of Shaving in quality.

    If I may suggest, load your brush well with The Art of Shaving soap or cream and adjust the water ratio.
    Last edited by Obie; 01-18-2014 at 04:54 PM.
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  4. #14
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    IMO it's the Derby blades. They are okay, nothing more. The razors I use that respond well to Derby's deliver comfortable shaves (they are very forgiving blades) but are lacking in the closeness department. Try using the AoS with a sharper blade brand and I can almost guarantee better results.

  5. #15
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Don't know about the issue you are having with the DE but thanks for reminding me I hadn't used my AOS sandalwood in a looooooong time, broke it out this morning for a shave...
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  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
    IMO it's the Derby blades. They are okay, nothing more. The razors I use that respond well to Derby's deliver comfortable shaves (they are very forgiving blades) but are lacking in the closeness department. Try using the AoS with a sharper blade brand and I can almost guarantee better results.
    I have already got bbs with derby blades I tried astra platinum blade for a while but they dont feel comfortable on my face

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by cjw208 View Post
    I have already got bbs with derby blades I tried astra platinum blade for a while but they dont feel comfortable on my face
    You and I must have similar beards and faces. I also find that derbies work quite well.
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  8. #18
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    Thanks for the advice everyone I got bbs by adding more water
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